I am attempting to follow this tutorial:

Basically every time I imported things I noticed errors in the console, but I pressed forward in case that was temporary. However, when I get to the step of opening the Makinom editor, the window is blank. The most recent errors are:

Could not resolve field token 0x040001ea, due to: Invalid type GamingIsLove.Makinom.FlyingText for instance field GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.UIFlyingTextComponent:flyingText assembly:C:\Users\PC User\Ork Tutorial\Assets\Gaming Is Love\Makinom 2\DLL\Makinom2.UnityUI.dll type:UIFlyingTextComponent member:(null)

TypeLoadException: Could not set up parent class, due to: Invalid generic instantiation assembly:C:\Users\PC User\Ork Tutorial\Assets\Gaming Is Love\Makinom 2\DLL\Makinom2.dll type:GenericAssetListSettings`2 member:(null)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.DataHandler.LoadData () (at <93e22250de8c412987059f6a9789a768>:0)

This suggests to me that something is probably fundamentally configured wrong, but I don't have the knowledge to figure out what. Is this by chance a minor oversight or something easy to fix?

Generally speaking, I worry I don't have the background to work in Unity. My hope was that the Ork framework would be enough of a crutch for me to develop, but it's possible that it assumes more of a foundation in Unity than I have.
  • Which Unity version are you using, and are you using the ORK trial version or have you purchased it?

    It seems like it might be a version mismatch going on (there were some changes in Unity 6 for example that require ORK to be downloaded from Unity 6, but afaik the trial version is not set for Unity 6)
  • I am using the trial version and, while I haven't booted Unity in a while, that sounds plausible. If I want to try the trial version, should I download a specific older version of Unity?
  • GiL can probably answer for sure, but I believe you want to be using somewhere between Unity 2019 - Unity 2022 for the trial version. Anything older or newer (i.e. Unity 5, 2018, or 6) may have some issues.
  • My version of Unity (checking the About option) is actually "2021.3.18" so is the problem perhaps something else?

    I do not use Unity heavily, so I am happy to download any other version so that I can try the framework.
  • edited October 2024
    Hmm, that version should be fine. The only other thing I could think of to try is to delete the Gaming Is Love / Makinom 2 folder, close Unity, re-open and then re-import the trial version and see if it works.

    You could also try the newest version of 2021 if you wanted and import into a fresh project there, I suppose it's possible a it's a Unity issue too.
    Post edited by Acissathar on
  • Oh! I didn't expect that to work, but I deleted and re-imported as instructed and I have gone from no menus at all to a huge number of them. I had no issues following the next steps in the tutorial, so I should be able to proceed from here.

    Thank you very much for your help. ^-^
  • You might have initially imported the wrong version - the test version comes with 2 Unity packages, one for Unity 2019-2023 and one for Unity 6.
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