Is there a way to start a schematic each time a specific item is added to the inventory ?
  • @kiwi In the Item section for a given item,, if you check the "Own Inventory Schematics" near the top under Custom Schematics, you can supply an Added/Removed schematic. If you want it more generic then you can do it in the general Inventory settings.

    Note though this is only when actually added, according to the tooltip if they already have it and you're increasing the quantity it won't fire.
  • Thank @Acissathar, that's the thing, i would like the schematic to start each time you buy or loot the item.
    eg: if i have itemx44 in my inventory, the schematic should have been started 44 times.
  • @kiwi can you use the Init schematic instead of Added schematic? That will run when the instance of the item is created, but depending if the item is initialized in an Item Box or something it may not be in the player inventory yet.
  • @GeneralK i don't really understand what you meant, but i tried it seems to be the same (the schematic is not started when a stacked item increase in number)
  • edited October 14
    Yeah, currently the inventory add schematics are only used when actually adding a new instance of an item. If you just increase quantity of an existing one it doesn't cause the schematic to be used.

    You can set the specific item to Auto Split when using it's own stack type in the item's Inventory Settings. That'd make each item it's own instance and adding it uses the schematic.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Oki, thanks.
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