Depending on the situation, I use the [Call HUD] function to close or open the HUD display.

It seems that the above information is not included when I save the game.In a scene where the HUD display is closed with the Call HUD.
HUD remains closed when loading another scene((The other scene was saved game with the HUD open.))

Is there a way to include Call HUD close/open information in Savefile?

Or are there any other solutions?
  • No, that is not saved with save games.

    You can manage this with global variables - since you manually call the HUDs, you can also e.g. set a global bool variable to mark it open or close. Those are saved with save games.
    With that information, you can use a global machine (Base/Control > Global Machines with the Scene global machine type and the Load Game scene change type. The global machine would start whenever the game is loaded, and you can open the HUDs according to the global variables in it's schematic.
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  • I got it.
    I didn't know about Global Machines. thank you very much!
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