I have a scene where all of my Combatants have been created through code but they're not spawned yet.

I also have a MenuScreen that display Equipments for each Combatants. This MenuScreen display correctly on another scene where my combatants are spawned. But when on the special scene with no combatant spawned, it does not display the equipments.

Is there a way to display Equipment on a MenuScreen for a Combatant not spawned yet ? After all, the Combatant exist as well as his Equipments. But I suspect that something is tied to the EquipmentViewer on the GameObject ?
  • edited October 2024
    Spawned or not should not make a difference.
    I assume you mean by displaying equipment that you use prefab view portraits to show a prefab with equipment of a combatant in the menu screen? Prefab view portraits spawn an instance of the combatant's prefab independent of if the combatant is already spawned or not, so that's completely separate and doesn't impact each other.

    Otherwise, I'll need some details on what you mean by displaying equipment in the menu screen :)
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • You guessed right. And indeed you were right. I manage to make it work. Thank you !
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