Is there a way via Schematic to check if the player is currently selecting targets for a specific ability?
I tried using Select Battle Action but it seem to only account for when an ability has already started...
  • edited November 18
    @ChimpLogik Hmm Is Battle Action node lets you specify an ability, but not sure if it will register at wherever you are calling the schematic from. Like are you using a schematic in Battles->Target Settings?

    Tooltip says checks if the Schematic was started by the action so could be promising?
    Post edited by GeneralK on
  • Thank you for the suggestion @GeneralK, unfortunately in this case the Schematic which is performing the checking is in Base/Control->Global Machine (started by a key).
  • No, there's no schematic node available for that. You'll have to add a custom node for that.
    You can get the currently active action for target selection via a combatant's battle menu:
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  • I used a Store Function Result node to store the result of your Custom Function in a local Selected Data (Key = player_action)

    The result of that function is an IShortcut so in order to check that for a specific ability, I connected the Success Connection to a Check Shortcut node with Use Selected Data = true and Data Key = player_action but it doesn't work.

    Not sure how to make this work :(
  • Store Function Result stores a value into a variable (as it's help text explains) - i.e. it'll only work for functions that return int, float, bool, string or Vector3 values.
    It has nothing to do with selected data ...

    A workaround would be to just have the function store this into a global selected data, e.g.:
    Maki.Game.SelectedData.Change("key", shortcut, ListChangeType.Set);
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  • edited November 25
    Thank you Nicholas, I got the custom function to work. I apologize in advance if my question(s) sound redundant or flawed but I admit I have a lot of knowledge gaps on this topic ._.'

    What is the Schematic node to compare the store global selected data against a specific ability?
    Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • I don't think there's currently a node for that.
    A workaround could be to use the Select Ability node to remove that ability from the global selected data and check if the global selected data is now empty/has less in it via Selected Data Count node. Most likely first store the global selected data into a separate one and operate on that to keep it available :)
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  • I tried to follow your advice but it doesn't seem to be detecting the desired ability (Chase and Hire in this case).
    This the way I set up the testing, not sure if I did something wrong:

    Code in Call Function node:
        public class ORKAbilities : MonoBehaviour
    public IShortcut shortcut;
    public void StoreGlobalSelectedData_PlayerActiveAction(string key)
    StoreGlobalSelectedDataActiveAction(GlobalFunctionsManager.GetPlayerCombatant(), key);
    public void StoreGlobalSelectedDataActiveAction(Combatant combatant, string key)
    shortcut = combatant.Battle.BattleMenu.TargetHighlight.Shortcut;
    Maki.Game.SelectedData.Change(key, shortcut, ListChangeType.Set);
    Debug.Log("(AutoMelee) StoreGlobalSelectedData_PlayerActiveAction called for key " + key);
    Call Function node

    Select Ability node

    Remove Data Count node
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