Hi Gil,

Trying to set up a Confused type status effect where the monster behaves as though they are on player faction for the duration, but all the effected mob is doing is gaining HP. Not sure what's going on there as they don't even have a Defend type ability.
Can you advise how I need to set this up to get the monster to be on the player side for a while?

Video showing what's going on
Monster Ability Development
Monster Battle Ai
Roaming AI
Use Ability AI
Status Condition Setup
Ability Targeting
Range Setup
  • I had problems using the Attack Allies setting so used schematics instead. It would do things like only use Base Attack(intended?), and it would attack itself sometimes(guess I generally ignored target setting).

    I ended up only checking the box for Force AI Controlled on my charm status effect, and then call a schematic on apply in the status effect.

    Schematic Join Battle Group, Player Group ID (some group number you don't intend to display on a party HUD), Starting Object. I then manually changed faction to player, even though GiL said Join Battle Group node should handle that (maybe it was only Join Group and not Join Battle group).

    Then an on Remove schematic in the status effect that reverses it.

    Kinda hacky shrug it works tho lol. Then I had to add HUD conditions to show the player HUD HP bar version instead of enemy version because my enemy version doesn't show MP.

  • Attacking allies will simply use allies as enemies when targeting. Your battle AI (e.g. for movement) still needs to check if the combatant has that effect applied and use different targets based on that.

    The HP gain is probably coming from some other effect that's also applied - e.g. if you have any regen effects, check if they have some auto apply setup that's based on confuse ...
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  • @GeneralK or @gamingislove where is the Remove Schematic location? I've been looking for something like that for a Doomed effect.
  • edited November 24
    @fourscoopsplease I was referring to an "On Remove" schematic in a Status effect as opposed to an "on apply". Is that what you want?

    If that's what you mean then it's selecting Schematic (instead of status value) as the Status Change in a Status Effect, and the When of it is on removal of the SE instead of like Turn End or On Apply. You can also have a different schematic based on circumstances like Death via check boxes there.

    Post edited by GeneralK on
  • If you mean executing a schematic when the effect is removed, as @GeneralK said:
    Set it up as a status change of the effect.
    - change type: Schematic
    - use on: Remove
    You can now further define by what kind of remove it'll be used, e.g. only by duration.
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