Hi, how can I change the direction of an NPC at the start of the scene. My NPC's all look to the right/east. The problem is that the CombantController is set so that the IdleStart direction is right/east. When I change the order in the controller, the NPC stands correctly, but when I start a conversation with the player, it turns in the wrong direction.
I have read through the tutorial 2D Rpg Quickstart, but can't find a solution.
What can I change so that the NPC's look in the direction I tell them to?
Sorry for my bad english.
Direction in the tutorials setup is bound to the Z-axis rotation, so if you want the NPC to look into a different direction, you just need to change the Z-axis rotation of it's game object. It'll look strange in the scene setup (since you just rotate the sprite), but once you play the animations will take over and show the correct sprite and orientation.
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It looks really strange, but it works.
Now I have another problem. The NPC's box collider also rotates in the Z-axis, which means that I can run into the NPC with my player.
When I start the game, the boxcollider is in the default position (Z-Axis 0), but when I turn the NPC so that it looks down (Z-Axis -90), the boxcollider is rotated by 90°.
I have the same problem with the player.
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