I notice that the keys for the Input Keys are all pc/mac keys like Left Control, Space, etc but on mobile you have no such keys.
So do you change those to joystick axes, like joystick axis 0? Or do you leave the positive key as a PC/Mac key and use a joystick axis as the negative key? Since there are no alternate positive keys?
Or would I be better off using Unity Input Keys that have both Positive and Alt Positive, Negative and Alt Negative keys?
When I did WI I used the Unity input key for attack and set up the alternative positive key to joystick 0 and that worked for me. Not sure what to do here. : |
That's pretty much up to you. If you're more familiar with Unity input keys, you can just use them in the ORK input keys as well :)
Since you can use Control HUDs to create virtual controls for your input keys (or set them via code from 3rd party virtual controls), it doesn't really matter which keys you're using for the input keys.
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Since you can use Control HUDs to create virtual controls for your input keys (or set them via code from 3rd party virtual controls), it doesn't really matter which keys you're using for the input keys.
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