Hello, I’m trying to get a HUD to display character information when using my equipment menu. The menu has the user working etc but how do I get the hud screen to use the same menu user? Is there a way to store the user in selected data?
@cookereptiles if I understand your meaning, the way I did it is with additional Menu Parts on the same menu that has the Equipment Part. Using a Combatant Menu Part has Update on Inventory check box so when you add/remove gear it will update the stats, and Update By Group for changing group members. In Message Content use Add HUD and put your Status Value / Attack Mods HUD there.
There's the HUD Menu Shop User (Content Provider) component to use the current user of a menu or shop as the content/user of your HUD.
Though, as @GeneralK said, in menus you'll usually use the Combatant menu part to show information about a combatant or group, which can use HUDs as templates or as part of the used UI box/inputs. E.g. check out the menu tutorials from the 3D RPG Playground series.
Post edited by gamingislove on
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Though, as @GeneralK said, in menus you'll usually use the Combatant menu part to show information about a combatant or group, which can use HUDs as templates or as part of the used UI box/inputs.
E.g. check out the menu tutorials from the 3D RPG Playground series.
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