This may be shortcut related, but I'm not really sure what's going on.

If I start a scene battle, I can push R to activate my player ability - assigned to shortcut slot R.

However, if I the game in town scene, and then enter a battle, the shortcut is not mapped. Leaving and going back into battle does not help either,.

Any idea where to start troubleshooting?
  • Are you sure the slot is no longer assigned? E.g. do you have a HUD or something that shows the slot being empty?

    If you're sure the slot is empty, I'd check the town scene for schematics that are running automatically (e.g. Auto Machines) and change shortcuts or anything status related that could impact it. Or e.g. if it just flat out adds a new combatant that doesn't have it ...
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  • I don't have a hud setup, so aside from the key not working i'm not 100%. I'll create a Hud (since that needs to be done at some stage anyway) and get back to you.
  • @gamingislove HUD is now created.

    Skills known when starting a battle straight from editor. Player (fireball) and Weapon

    Dying, going back to town, and back into battle, note player doesn't know skill, but once weapon is equipped the weapon skill becomes available.
  • I think I found the issue. I had an initialize node for entering the dungeon, not sure why, but i had reasons for setting it up originally. Anyway, that node didn't have Learn Abilities enabled. I ticked that, and now I have abilities again.

    Dunno what made me think of that, but yea. sorted. I hope.

  • I thought this was sorted, But now upon entering and equipping an item the player loses the ability. So enter: they know ability. Equip item, they lose class skill and gain weapon skill.
    Shortcut UI setup:

    Ability Setup

    I don't have an equip schematic that would remove this assignment.
  • So, the ability in slot index 2 gets removed and the new weapon skill is added in index 3?
    Do you use any of the other shortcut slot features, e.g. auto arrange or default assignments?

    Since those auto slot setups are using a different index, they shouldn't really impact each other. If you enable Keep Unavailable and Show Unavailable in the shortcut settings (UI > Shortcut Settings), is the ability still shown after this happens? That'd hint at the ability being actually removed from the combatant, not just the slot.
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  • I enabled those settings, but skills still disabled after initialize level node - so they are getting actually removed when set to level 1. Disabling initialize node retains abilities etc so it's something to do with the initialize level node.

    imageThis node specifically
  • edited January 3
    @fourscoopsplease hmm the tooltip on that node says equipment will be unequipped, is that why the weapon skill is lost?

    Are the classes equippable or or just assigned in combatants? Perhaps it is unequipping the class as well on initialization so you lose the class skill.

    You have use init schematic checked, do you actually have an init schematic set up that could be doing anything?
    Post edited by GeneralK on
  • @GeneralK the weapon abilities were working fine, they were equipping and unequipping as intended, it was to do with the class abilities being forgotten when an item was equipped - but only after that initialize to level node has been run once - prior to that you can have both a class and weapon ability (as intended).

    My init schematic adjusts stats based on variables (if players use stat boost items in a run, they retain those bonuses in for all future runs)

    HOWEVER, since this post, I've been thinking about "what do these skills add to the game" and came up with they distract from the core monster raising focus. So I've removed them for now.

    I may come back to this at a later date, I'm juggling with the idea of monsters being multi use, either as companions or being turned into equipable power gems that grant stat boosts and abilities.
  • In case you add it back in and it still happens, I'll most likely need a Unity test project to check it out :)
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