I'm trying to modify the UI of 3D RPG Playground.
The UI settings are very complicated and difficult, but I'm gradually replacing the images and making it the way I want it.
However, I've come across something I just can't figure out.
I want to arrange the characters horizontally on the field menu screen,
but how do I do that?
I've tried changing the HUD settings (horizonal, vertical),
but there's been no change in the menu screen.
I was wondering if you could give me some advice.
When you say you changed the HUD settings, you mean in the editor under UI->HUDs and changed the layout?
If there is a UI Box that the HUDs are being displayed in then you'll need to change that layout group in the UI Box from Vertical layout group to a Horizontal layout group.
menu1 posted by (C)Lonewolf_cat" />
The UI looks like the picture.
I have changed the window image of the UI Box Blue Menu Center Scroll.
I would like to scroll it horizontally.
I have been looking for settings for various places such as the UI box and HUDs settings,
but it seems there is no option to set the vertical and horizontal scrolling.
Probably faster to just make a new box. Make sure you have UI Canvas to make it on like this https://orkframework.com/guide/tutorials/ui-setups/unity-ui-initial-setup/#2-toc-title
Then just right click the canvas object, go to Makinom -> UI Box -> UI Box Scroll Horiztontal
Or the one that only says UI Box Scroll comes with vertical and horizontal bars.
Then drag the box to a folder to make a prefab, and create a UI Box in Makinom-> UI->UI Boxes for it and assign it to the menu. If you replace the existing UI Box then it would change it for other menus too...
As @GeneralK said, you can create a new UI box for horizontal layout and scrolling, which should be easier than changing an existing vertical layout/scrolling box.
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OK, I see.
I'll try making a UI box.
Since there may be a large number of players or groups,
I'll try vertical and horizontal scrolling too.