edited January 6 in ORK Support
Is it possible to delay the abilities Reuse Setting cooldown?

By default the ability Reuse Setting kicks in as soon as I activate an ability, but unfortunately my abilities include a schematic to get the player in range before they are actually activated.

This means my abilities cooldown starts even when the player intentionally interrupts the abilities or long before the "real" abilities are actually started :(
Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • edited January 7
    @ChimpLogik in the ability Battle Settings ->Reuse settings there is Set on-> Calculation which says it's at the same time Use costs are calculated. Maybe set Auto Consume to "No" under User Settings, then perhaps it won't activate the reuse until you used Calculate node in schematic or consume costs node.

    There are Block Ability Reuse, Clear Ability Reuse and Change Ability Reuse nodes but it looks like you'd need to use an ability variable or a fork to set the correct reuse value for the ability since I assume they aren't all the same.

    Post edited by GeneralK on
  • edited January 8
    I was considering moving the Reuse Setting into a Schematic but just as you pointed out
    @GeneralK I only found these 3 nodes: Block, Clear and Change Ability Reuse but I couldn't find any node to actually start/activate the cooldown for the ability reuse...
    Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • edited January 13
    The reuse time settings have the Set On setting for this, which can start the reuse time/turn at the start or end of an action, or when it's outcome is calculated (e.g. via Calculate Action node).
    This isn't in schematic nodes, but in the actual reuse time setup in either your ability/item or the battle settings (for default reuse times). Naturally, you can do custom reuse time start via the Block Ability Reuse node as part of your action's schematics (the ability would be available as local selected data via the key action).
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • edited January 13
    I tried with Set On = Calculation but the problem is this:
    If the ability gets interrupted (in my case though a Global Machine Stop Battle Actions node) and the Calculate Action node in the ability schematic doesn't get executed (I double checked through a Unity Console node) , the cooldown still starts :(
    Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • That most likely comes from consuming the use costs - this is what triggers reuse time/turns on calculation.

    So, if the stopped ability still consumes costs, it'll trigger reuse (e.g. auto consume without targets).
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