Hey GiL,
Hope your break is going well.
I just added in the unity input action and Makinom script. It all works pretty flawlessly thank you.
However, I'm experiencing something weird all of a sudden with my horizontal movement. When the camera is normal or @ 180Degree rotation, I can move normally.
When the camera is rotated 90 or 270, I can move vertically fine, but horizontally it moves, waits, moves, waits etc.
Video showing movement with direction butting held down the whole time.Any idea what's going on?
I changed the sensitivity in unity's project settings
but it didn't fix it.
This problem can also occur in projects other than ORK,
so ORK may not be the cause.
If you can do a bit of scripting, you could add some debug output to the input key input action script file and see what gets returned from the input action.
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