I started implementing the first quest into my game following this tutorial, so I'm pretty new to this part of ORK:

Unfortunately when it comes to testing, it doesn't work.
The Schematic doesn't get called (I added a unity console node to check) and the quest UI doesn't show up.
Mouse clicking on the NPC doesn't trigger anything BUT if I hit the Accept button, the NPC turns toward the player.

The player has an Interaction Controller component.
  • @ChimpLogik until GiL replies, it might be a good idea to download the completed project, and open it side-by-side to compare all the variables (NPC setup, schematic, Ork settings etc). It SOUNDS like something to do with the start method of the interaction machine.

    also, if you google "site:forum.orkframework.com [insert your actual phrases here]" then it will come up with topics covered in this forum, it works much better than the actual forum search.
    This thread mentions something [You need to click because your event is started by clicking, go to event component and change the way it's started.]

    It looks like there is an option in the Interaction Machine for this
  • I have that option checked as but it doesn't do anything. I also tried pretty much all other options just to be thorough but without any success.

    I played with the Game Controls> Interaction Settings and was able to get the NPC turn toward the player with the mouse click, but again, even in this scenario the quest schematics didn't start (no unity console output).

    Btw, thank you for the search tooltip @fourscoopsplease
  • @ChimpLogik Are there conditions set on the interaction? Double check that the correct schematic is there. Also double check the npc game object, maybe you updated the prefab but it didn't update in scene, I've had that happen.
  • There are no conditions and the correct schematic is there :(

    I also downloaded and checked the ORK completed project, open it side-by-side to compare but I couldn't find the cause of the issue...
  • @ChimpLogik could you send screenshots of the interaction machine?
  • The Interaction Machine's mouse start types are Unity's built-in component mouse interactions, so if that doesn't work it most likely is something in your physics setup. E.g. does the interaction machine have a collider, is any other collider blocking the mouse over/click on the object (e.g. large scale triggers that are not on the Ignore Raycast layer, or maybe the interaction is on that layer).

    Is using the accept/interact key (when the NPC turns to the player) starting the schematic?
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  • Unfortunately using the accept/interact key (when the NPC turns to the player) does not start the schematic :(
  • I don't know if it's a bug but if I try to open the quest schematic while the game is playing, it's always empty.
    Also, if I open it in the editor it has content but if I open the same schematic in the prefab Interaction Machine and use the "Edit Schematic" button, it is empty. I tried with other schematics and the pattern repeats :(

    I am trying to understand if I am also missing some components. In order to enable the Quest Interaction

    Quest Giver prefab:
    * Interaction Machine
    * Interaction Controller
    * at least 1 Collider (trigger)
    * Rigid Body

    And my Player needs to have:
    * Interaction Controller
    * at least 1 Collider (trigger)
    * Rigid Body

    is this correct?
  • I think since the NPC is turning to the Player, we know the Interaction Machine is being triggered or it would not turn.

    Have you made a new schematic from scratch? Even just swap the schematic out for a 1 node Unity Console. Since you are seeing blank schematic when opening, that's gotta be the problem, hopefully hehe.
  • Yeah, try setting up a new schematic (e.g. just a debug output via Unity Console node) and see if that plays. Might be that the other schematic is somehow broken.
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