
I want to make a player invisible in Classic turn-based battle ( like Wizardry or Dragon Quest) .
There is any options in battle settings about it?
I couldn't find it...
  • A couple ways to do it:

    1. You can position the camera so that it's in-front of the player party. Then you'd just need to adjust your battle animation schematics to not move for players, and this would effectively make them "invisible" as well.

    2. There is an Object Visible node you can run over the player combatants as the object at battle start to turn them invisible (just remember to use it again at battle end but turning them Visible).
  • Thank you!!

    I think 2. is suit and not difficult for me.
    I'll try it!
  • Whatever you want to do with a non-battle player during battle, the battle start schematic is the place to handle this.

    However, during the battle start schematic, the system might have already switched the player over to the battle player, so to make sure you use the field player (non-battle player), add an ORK Player type actor to your schematic and use the Field player type.
    So, any node that should handle hiding the player (placing it somewhere far off, destroying or hiding it) should use that actor.
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  • It worked! Thank you!!
    So the player's settings change when entering battle.
    That's new for me and good to know!
  • YAMATO_jp said: So the player's settings change when entering battle.
    Only if you use different combatants for field and battle, otherwise there is no change.
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