
Everything was going great, and working well until I finished section 15 of the 3D RPG tutorial. I am very new to all of this, and was hoping someone might be able to help out?

There is no error... it just kinda freezes at the end of the battle when displaying the victory status. I can't click through or anything. Tried to include a screenshot, but I can't apparently.

(I have my audio muted because I am at the library, so I am uncertain what is happening on the audio)

Any help is greatly appreciated!
  • Little update, it only happens with the WASP!
    And beating the Snake doesn't display one at all.

    I will dig into those tomorrow (limited work time at library), but if anyone happens to have a guess, I will welcome it.

    Again, any and all help super appreciated!
  • Is the game actually frozen (i.e. Unity doesn't react at all) or is just nothing happening any longer?

    If it's frozen, there might be an issue in one of your schematics, since it's during the battle gains collection, it might be the battle end schematics (or the death schematics). E.g. check if you created a loop in your nodes, e.g. one node connecting back on itself or a previous node and nothing to break that cycle.

    If not frozen, check the battle end schematic and battle end setup (Battles > Battle End) against the tutorials. You can also add debug output using the Unity Console node in your schematics and see how far you get that way - or use the live debugging to see what's going on in the running schematic.
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  • Thank you so much for the fast response!

    I honestly can't tell. It doesn't seem that things are completely frozen so much as I can't click through. I don't see a display at all with the snake, so I am guessing I messed up something.

    After enabling that auto debug, I managed to run into another snake on my first go (lucky!) and it displayed this. I can barely understand what it is saying.

    Cancelling Display Dialog: This should not be called when a View's DrawRect Method is in progress
    UnityEditor.EditorUtility:DisplayDialog (string,string,string,string)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Editor.MakinomEditorWindow:DoCheckChangesToSchematic ()
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Editor.MakinomEditorWindow:OnGUI ()
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

    Then I ran into a second snake. Nothing.
    Then I ran into a Wasp again and am stuck on the reward display box again.

    I will now follow your other instructions. TY again!
  • I went in there and everything was correct, but I did try setting to auto battle gains with an auto close window after 3 seconds and that applied a bandaid solution. The victory box on the wasp still appears, and it lingers after the battle but then vanishes.

    I tried testing the Snake, but I actually died... and then it just stopped... nothing appeared, the battle didn't end... the snake just sat there gloating over my corpse!
  • Sorry for the triple reply, but I want to make sure I am relaying all the relevant info. I also decided to just go ahead and continue the tutorial since everything else appears to be working. And thus far that is working out fine, and my little workaround is allowing me to effectively play in it.

    Though I notice that my poison status effect from the wasp is staying after the battle. Upon entering another battle with it, I am immediately poisoned. Is that normal?

    I am starting working on the Elemental attacks now. I have checked everything and don't see what's going wrong and I don't quite get that error I received. I am very new to all of this! Sorry if I am missing something obvious. >.<
  • Okay another update...

    this error:

    Cancelling Display Dialog: This should not be called when a View's DrawRect Method is in progress
    UnityEditor.EditorUtility:DisplayDialog (string,string,string,string)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Editor.MakinomEditorWindow:DoCheckChangesToSchematic ()
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Editor.MakinomEditorWindow:OnGUI ()
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

    Appears when I try to go into schematics. I can no longer access the schematics tab in the editor. >.<
  • edited January 17

    Managed to figure this one out on my own!

    Still not sure what's going on with that wasp/snake issue, but my workaround seems to... work.

    I do have a big red error every time I load the game though.
    Post edited by Erina on
  • Erina said: Though I notice that my poison status effect from the wasp is staying after the battle. Upon entering another battle with it, I am immediately poisoned. Is that normal?
    Yes, if I remember correctly, the poison effect isn't set up to end with battles, so it'll stay on the combatant even after the battle ends. If you want it otherwise, enable End With Battle in the effect's End Settings.

    What error do you get when loading the game?
    Also, the other error (cancelling display dialog), when does this happen?

    Regarding the snake/wasp issue, I might need a Unity test project to check this out. Might be a bug, might just be a setup issue :)
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