edited January 14 in ORK Support
Hello everyone, in my project (and others that I created with ork) I always have a strange error. In a Basic scene with my ORK Game Starter, when I launch play mode, if I am in Play Focused mode, then play mode launches and everything is fine!

If I am in Play mode in unfocused mode (and for example I am currently in the scene editor, but Play mode is launched) I am spammed with this error:

Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos inf, inf) (Camera rect 0 0 2400 1080)
UnityEngine.Camera:ScreenPointToRay (UnityEngine.Vector3)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.InteractionHandler:Tick (UnityEngine.Camera)

Nothing blocked, and I have no other error from Ork, but I don't understand the origin of this one!

I'm on Unity 2022.3.53f1 but I tested with another version of Unity 2022, still the same!

Thank you in advance for your help!
Post edited by MadMaxx on
  • Hm, that's just a standard call to Unity's camera function.

    Try this, found it in the Unity forums when searching for the error:
    Right click on the Scene tab and close it, then right click on any other tab and open the scene tab again. That fixed it for me.
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  • Hello, thank you for this feedback, unfortunately this solution does not work, I found it and tried it.
    Moreover, I rather think that this is linked to Makinom because when I deactivate Ork game starter from my scene, the console messages no longer appear and everything is fine.

    Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos inf, -inf) (Camera rect 0 0 2400 1080)
    UnityEngine.Camera:ScreenPointToRay (UnityEngine.Vector3)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.InteractionHandler:Tick (UnityEngine.Camera)
  • Well, yeah - it's naturally being caused by ORK/Makinom running, because that's what's calling the Unity functionality. However, it's still just calling a standard Unity functionality, i.e. raycasting from the camera into the scene at the current cursor position.
    Based on the error the cursor position is infinite, which doesn't make much sense unless there's some issue in Unity with reporting the cursor position ...

    If you send me a Unity test project where it happens I can check if I find the source for this (in case it even happens on my end).
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