edited January 16 in ORK Support
The game uses a classic turn-based system, and the game frame rate remains stable at over 120 frames per second. Recently, for some unknown reason, after entering the battle scene, when the characters use attacks or skills, the game frame rate drops below 20 frames , resulting in severe lag.
Post edited by Leo1085 on
  • @Leo1085 If you can consistently recreate it, try going through it with the Unity Profiler running: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Profiler.html

    This will tell you what is responsible for the frame spike and would provide more details on what to dig into.
  • Hard to say without knowing more details about your setup and what's going on.
    Generally, turn based battles shouldn't really be that taxing on performance from the game system's side. So, it might come down to stuff that happens in your schematics animating actions or are part of spawned prefabs, etc.
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