edited January 20 in ORK Support
So lately I have been able to setup the group menu part to be able to drag and drop creatures in and out of my party from the battle reserve. This simulates a pokemon storage with 1 box. There are two things that I am curious if they are possible.

1. Having multiple "boxes" for storing creatures that you can change between similar to pokemon for organization purposes. So I found a way to change to different group ids and repopulate the battle group with the battle group that was in the other group id but the problem is that the UI doesn't update the visuals so the creatures will not show in the UI until you close and reopen the menu screen. So I am curious if there is a better way to handle this or if there is something I am missing to refresh the menu screen instantly. I saw the refresh menu screen node but that didn't do anything.

2. So you know how there is the option to put empty slots in the battle group which allows to swap around creatures in the open slots. I would like to know if its possible to have empty slots in the battle reserve using the group menu part for better organization so that you aren't limited to where you can drag and drop the creatures based on how many creatures you have in the UI.

Thank you for your time as always and I look forward to your response! :)

I wanted to add a couple of things I have ran into as well.

1. So dragging from battle group to battle reserve with the group menu part allows to swap combatants and that is great but when the party combatant gets added to the battle reserve, instead of swapping places with the combatant that it was dragged over it will either go to slot one every single time unless you drag and sort it while inside the battle reserve then it will always go to the last position that it was in. Is there a way to always put the combatant at the same position as the combatant it swapped with? It works that way for the battle group just not battle reserve.

2. I am using a group combatant menu part to display info of the selected combatant but the problem is that since the battle group and battle reserve use different ui boxes, they both have a constant selected combatant, so when I move my cursor over the battle group ui box it will display the info of the selected creature but if I hover my cursor over the battle reserve ui box it will now show info of the creature selected. I would like to know if its possible to only ever have one combatant selected instead of one for each the battle group and 1 for the battle reserve.
Post edited by SagiSaks on
  • edited January 20
    Post edited by SagiSaks on
  • 1) Is this a Group menu part? This has the Transfer action available to transfer combatants between player groups.
    Can you give me more details on your setup?

    2) No, the empty slot feature is only available in battle groups.

    And the second one:

    1) I'll look into it.

    2) The Group Combatant part has the Combatant Scope setting for this. Setting it to Both will show the latest selected combatant from either box 1 or box 2.
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  • Thanks for the reply!

    1. No worries I found a solution for multiple boxes

    2. darn :(

    3. Thank you for looking into this :)

  • edited January 27
    The dragging issue should be fixes in the latest update (ORK 3.19.1).
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • edited January 27
    All I did was update ork and the drag and drop now doesnt work at all from storage to party or vice versa.

    I can drag and drop to reorganize each box though.

    I will see if I am missing something but I tested immediately before updating and it was working before.


    So with my setup I dont use an action menu so ive had it on cancel because it didnt break anything in the past and I realized that you don't have an option to just not use the action menu since you have to have atleast one option. So now that the cancel menu item is preventing the drag and drop, I messed with the menu item and changed it to "change" and I was able to drag and drop from party to reserve again but still doesn't put the party combatant at the exact spot that you dragged it to.

    Also I am just happy I have it working as it was so if you have it working with whatever your setup is then that is probably the way you intended it to be used but atleast I have most of the functionality I need for the game as is.

    I would just request an addition of empty slots for battle reserves similar to the battle group. I would also be interested if you opened up a commission for this. Thank you for your time as always!
    Post edited by SagiSaks on
  • Ah, yeah - the group menu needs an action set up, or to be precise, when not displaying the action box, the first action in the list will be the active one of the menu.

    Empty slots for battle reserve is currently not planned, but I'm open for commission, best send me an email (contact@orkframework.com).
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  • I apologize but I didn't fully test it at the time and I realized that while changing the cancel action to change I was able to swap out creatures with drag and drop but I now can't drag creatures into a storage box to remove them from the party.

    The update made two things stop working for me which is swapping creatures with drag and drop and dragging and dropping creatures from party to battle reserve to remove them from party.

    I have a feeling this is because of how the actions work but I am not sure.

    Currently, the first action will be selected instantly and I am not sure if that is something to do with my problem?

    Here is a screenshot that gives you an idea of what I am trying to do.

    Ability to drag and drop from party to battle reserve and vice versa while also being able to deposit a creature by dragging it to the battle reserve. (everything was working before the update but the main problem was that when dragging and dropping a creature from the battle group to the battle reserve the combatant from the battle group wouldn't be placed where the old combatant was that took its spot in the battle group.

  • Can you show me the setup of your group menu screen (mainly the Group menu part)?
    Or send me a Unity test project to check it out.
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