I have another question regarding consumables.

I have a digimon/persona sort of mechanic.

There are human combatants that just have a hunger stat that requires consumables in field(food).
And there are digital monster combatants that have HP and use consumables in battle (cards)

I want two types of items:
Rations (food) for humans
Cards (potions) for their digital monsters.

I want the items in the rations inventory menu to just be consumed by human combatants in the selection menu and
I want HP cards to be consumed in the cards menu just by their digital combatans.

Is this possible to make?
Thanks in advance!
  • I have another question hehe

    Before using ork I had a custom Klonoa-style movement where the player moves along a rail and rotating the sprite facing the camera. I have a script for the party followers as well. Can I use this scrpt as a custom AI for combatants in ork?
    In the video example the follower is using its own scrpts but I'd like to implement it fully inside ork framework as a combatant.

  • Also another question (dont hate me hehe)
    Is it possible to change character movenent in different scenes like an overworld view mode sucha as in chrono trigger? and then back to standard custom movement in towns like in the video?

    Thank you!
  • All right figured out question one using Target Selection Templates!
  • CarmeloElectronics said: I want the items in the rations inventory menu to just be consumed by human combatants in the selection menu and
    I want HP cards to be consumed in the cards menu just by their digital combatans.

    Is this possible to make?
    Yes, your items (and abilities) can set up Target Conditions in their target selection settings. E.g. you can check for Combatant Status and a Combatant Type.
    CarmeloElectronics said: Before using ork I had a custom Klonoa-style movement where the player moves along a rail and rotating the sprite facing the camera. I have a script for the party followers as well. Can I use this scrpt as a custom AI for combatants in ork?
    Sure, using ORK's move AI (e.g. for following party members) is completely optional. If you want to use your custom control, make sure to let the system know about it. That way your controls can be enabled or disabled based on your use of ORK's features (e.g. automatically blocking control in battles or while talking with NPCs, etc.).
    You can learn more about this in the documentation.
    CarmeloElectronics said: Is it possible to change character movenent in different scenes like an overworld view mode sucha as in chrono trigger? and then back to standard custom movement in towns like in the video?
    Yes, that can be done in different ways.
    One way is to change the player control scripts via a schematic, e.g. used by an Auto Machine in the scene you want different control in. Schematics can add/remove player controls (built-in controls) or handle adding/removing other components on game objects.
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  • Sure, using ORK's move AI (e.g. for following party members) is completely optional. If you want to use your custom control, make sure to let the system know about it. That way your controls can be enabled or disabled based on your use of ORK's features (e.g. automatically blocking control in battles or while talking with NPCs, etc.).
    You can learn more about this in the documentation.
    Thank you! I could succesfuly spawn the combatant with its custom movement controller. I just now have an issue when entering batttle in a different scene and loading the field scene after (following the 2d tutorial) the combatant spawns with a scale of 0 which makes it invisible and the console drops this error:
    Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
    UnityEngine.Animator:Play (string,int)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Animations.MecanimAnimationBase:Play (UnityEngine.Animator,bool)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Animations.ORKMecanimAnimation:Play (UnityEngine.Animator,bool)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Animations.AnimationSetting:MecanimPlay (GamingIsLove.Makinom.AnimInfo&,UnityEngine.Animator,GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Animations.AnimationTypeAsset,bool)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Combatants.CombatantAnimations:Play (GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Animations.AnimationTypeAsset)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Battle:ClearObjectsAndAnimations ()
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Components.BattleComponent:SchematicFinished (GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:EndSetup ()
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:EndSchematic ()
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:ExecuteNextNode ()
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:NodeFinished (int)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Schematics.Nodes.SpawnCombatantNode:Execute (GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:ExecuteNextNode ()
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:NodeFinished (int)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic:SchematicFinished (GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic)
    GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.SceneChanger/d__26:MoveNext ()
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)
    Also the combatant doesn't spawn in the prior position behind the player. it spawns at 000

    Any clue what I'm doing wrong? :'(
  • Managed to do it using a spawn combatant node with the player position and scale set in the battle end schematic. It does the trick.

    Now I'd like to start a battle from an interacting with an object using a battle component. The problem is I don't want the game object appear in the battle scene. It's still there messing with my layout. Same thing happens when I try to start a battle from a dialog schematic.
  • The animation error sounds like you try play an animation that isn't set up in the animator, i.e. name defined in the editor and in the animator controller don't match.

    As for the interaction - you can use an Interaction Machine instead of the Battle component to start the interaction. The Battle component should be set to None start type, i.e. it can't be started normally. The schematic of the interaction machine can use a Start Battle node to start the battle - and e.g. hide it afterwards.
    It's probably best to have battle and interaction as separate game objects, so you can disable/destroy the interaction without affecting the battle. Add a Game Object type actor to the schematic and you can select a game object for it in the interaction machine's inspector.
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