Hi everyone, I have a few questions that hopefully won't be too much trouble.
First, I want the player to be able to show in a menu screen, like a character screen and then update to match their equipped armor/weapons. I already have the second part working, with equipment viewers, but I'm wondering if it's possible to show the player. I could use a prefab but I haven't been able to get prefabs to update like the equipment viewer.
Second, using the in-game console, I want it to show the player's actions as more than "Player -25 health points" for instance. Is it possible to adjust this on a per combatant basis, like "Player attacks bat, clipping its wings and dealing x damage" or "Player dodges wolf, narrowly avoiding its claws." I looked into action info but I didn't see anything supporting status value changes.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
The base settings are found in UI > UI Settings at the bottom. For a combatant's portrait to display the prefab of the combatant, simply set one up with Use Prefab View enabled.
Prefab view portraits use a camera prefab and a render texture to display what the camera sees in UI. This uses a texture, i.e. your UI portrait setup has to use a Raw Image component for display.
2) Not automatically.
You can add console texts in schematics to add additional information. E.g. status values have the Change Schematics to automatically play when a status value change happens, including information on the change in local variables. Combatants can also add/override those change schematics in their schematic settings.
This'd allow you to set up custom console texts via schematics for each combatant when e.g. a damage occurs.
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I was looking at the preview info for abilities, such as costs (which I have working) but I cannot get the damage previews to show. I have the dummy combatant set but I want to be able to show something like "Does xx - xx points of damage" in the ability menu screen. Is that possible and how would I go about that? Thanks again!
The user/target status change texts can't be added directly there, you need to use HUD elements to extend the functionality.
In the Content Description settings of the description, you can enable Use Custom Content to use a custom setup, i.e. defining a custom text and use HUD features. Either set up a HUD as a template and use it here, or select the None HUD to only pass information on to the UI box and set up HUD elements as part of it's prefab.
For the UI box prefab to use HUD elements, add a HUD Content Provider component somewhere and use it in the main content's UI Content component to get the HUD user/info from the menu. Any HUD content components you add will use the content provider you added to get their content, e.g. an ORK HUD Status Text Content component displaying the target changes of the ability.
Sounds more complex than it is, but in short:
- add a content provider to the UI box and hook it into the content pipeline of it
- add HUD elements as you would in any regular HUD
- set the menu part to use HUD to forward the content
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And then on the description menu part it has the above as the UI box and then custom content enabled with HUD Type: HUD, and HUD: None. I can get the description menu part to show by setting the HUD to the UI Box setup as a HUD but none of the custom stuff comes through.
The UI Box component's Content Settings > Main Content reference it's content component. This is where you need to have the HUD content provider referenced in order to get the content information for the HUD.
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I've attached the images of what I've got right now. Its the 3 game objects and then the menu part. In that menu part if I switch to HUD Type: None then it will show the custom content text with "" but if I set it to HUD Type: HUD then it blanks out. Hopefully you can figure out what I'm messing up here.