I recall hearing a while back that the nodes which control light components (change light float, change color [light], etc) do not work for Light2D components and are only meant to affect Light in 3D mode.

I was wondering if this issue was ever corrected, or if there was any plans to change it. It would be helpful for all the 2D devs using MakinORK :)

Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.
  • Since Light2D isn't part of Unity's standard functionality (being in a separate package), it can't be supported as part of base ORK/Makinom.

    However, e.g. using the Change Color node with the Field color type should allow you to change it (and function nodes can interact with it as well).
    - class name: Light2D
    - field name: color
    - is property: enable
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  • Ah, I never considered that, since it's part of URP. Fair enough!

    I'll keep that in mind with the color change node. I didn't realize I could use it with the Field parameter. Thank you for the suggestion!
    Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.
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