ORK Framework 3.19.1 is here!

This small update adds 16 changes and fixes, and new features via Makinom 2.19.
See all changes in the release notes.

Makinom 2.18.0 is here!

This update adds a hold accept feature to confirm/accept inputs in UI boxes when holding down the accept key for a defined time.
See all changes in the release notes.
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  • Awesome, I've got the new inventory container functionality working as Stash Box/Bank, drag and drop, using Player Group ID and multiple stash combatants around town calling the menu with the group leader as menu user (global stash instead of local, which you could do local if you wanted) :)

    Thanks GiL you rock!
  • Thanks for the update this has fixed several issues I've had.

    However, I still get the random issue where an enemy combatant moving to a waypoint just before you initiate a turn-based battle with it, will continue moving into position.

    My Battle Start schematic begins with: Block Move AI set to Block, Stop Move AI set to Starting Object, and a second Stop Move AI set to machine object and the enemy combatant is absolutely unstoppable. They will move to that waypoint.

    Example 1
    Example 2

    Enemy Prefabs are identical to 3d playground.
  • @WO2 Depending on your config I think it's possible the enemy combatant is neither the starting or machine object in the battle start.

    If you go to the Actors section of the schematic and add Enemies (battle group) and use that actor instead, does it stop it?
  • WO2WO2
    edited January 27
    @Acissathar I've done as you suggested and I could not replicate the issue in ~40 attempts, so that seems to work as a workaround.

    Not sure why the global Block Move AI doesn't catch it though but thanks.

    Just to clarify, this hotfix seems to have resolved the same issue occurring with Move AI npcs walking away mid conversation, or at least I can't replicate it. The issue seems to be isolated to only when there's a battle involved.
    Post edited by WO2 on
  • @WO2
    Your battle system's move AI settings should be responsible for blocking move AI during battle - either not allowing it at all or e.g. only blocking for those in battles.
    Naturally you can also handle it manually in your battle start/end schematics, but as @Acissathar said, you'll need to use an actor to access the combatants.
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