Hello, I’m currently learning the content of the 2D RPG QuickStart. I downloaded the completed project files and imported them into Unity. After Makinom downloaded the _Data/Project.asset, the game runs properly. However, the Makinom Editor does not display the relevant information. For example, under Status > Abilities, only the default entry (0: Default) is shown, and the expected entries like "Attack" and "Poison Attack" are missing. I’d like to know how to configure the Makinom Editor to properly load and display the editable content from your completed project data.
  • The completed projects you can download in the tutorials are actually Unity projects. After extracting them, you need to open them as projects, not import them into another Unity project.
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  • Thank you very much for your response; it resolved my issue. I have another question: If I want to develop a Chinese-language game, after using the Add Back Button_Last feature in UI > Battle Menus > Base Settings, the button displays the English text "Back." While this is a great feature, I’d like to change the in-game "Back" text to Chinese. Is this possible to achieve?
  • The default texts for those buttons are defined in UI > UI Settings. As with all other parts in ORK/Makinom, you can define this in multiple languages.
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  • Thank you for your reply. I truly appreciate you creating such an excellent work.
  • I am sorry to ask you some questions again: my game is not saving to the save files. My game can display the save UI normally, but when I click the save slot, the object is still "empty," which means I cannot actually save the game, and therefore cannot use the load function. At the same time, my autosave feature seems to be ineffective. In short, while the UI is functioning normally, I cannot actually use the save feature.
    I have checked the UI > Save Game Settings section in the Makinom editor, and I have ensured that this section matches your 25 Start Menu & Save Games tutorial exactly. I also downloaded the completed project, and this part is identical in Makinom.
    Is this a problem with the computer file save path, or is there some part outside of Save Game Settings that I have not configured correctly? If so, what parts should I check?
  • edited February 7
    This is the error Log when I click the Save Slot:
    Post edited by Lydia19 on
  • I have solved this problem by myself. If anyone encounters the same error log as I did, you can check for duplicate GUIDs for each attribute in Status > Status Values. :)
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