• @gamingislove I'll see if I can, it's a pretty beefy project to trim down, though.

    I noticed a weird issue:

    Upon dying and auto-loading a save game, I gain multiple instances of passive status effects that are NOT stackable, and yet there's 2-4 of them on my combatant, and all of them stacking their effects, for some reason. D:

    And this is on a Status Effect that has Auto-Apply set to anybody who has the Player combatant's class.
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • Hey there,
    I think I found a bug in the battle camera settings.
    I tried to use the time(s) with number of seconds, but it doesn't work, neither gives out an error when I'm using multiple look ats(Look at user, look at damaged user)

    Example I want the look at user to take 5 seconds, and look at damaged user another 5 seconds before changing camera, but it doesn't take this into account.
  • Minor bug: when using Area notifications on a GUI box that has a delay before it shows anything (So there's a beat before showing the Area notification after entering a new scene, etc) , if you quickly back into the previous zone, the former area notification is still present for a brief moment before if you have a fade out on it.

    We should probably have an option to just completely skip any Exit tweens/fade outs in the GUI box if it is being replaced by a new area notification so we don't get overlapping notifications and/or the wrong notification still being visible in the wrong area.

    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • @Kirb
    There's a queuing setting in the area notifications settings to show notifications after each other - will look into more options (e.g. replacing instead of queuing).
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  • There seems to be a bug with the select combatant node in battle events. In combatant settings of the node, if I check "use all combatants", then actor, then all enemies, it doesn't work, even if I do have a valid user. If I choose all combatants instead of all enemies, it works.
  • edited February 2018
    On the latest version I'm having a couple problems with research trees. If it is set to research an item, with a limit checked(1 time max), I get 2 items(when reward is set to 1). if there is no limit it works normally, I get 1 reward item not 2. Second bug is worse, when research is set to status value, when research should finish I get a stack overflow error and it never seems to finish and continues to raise the stat super fast, it went over a million+. Tried on different status values, same thing. Researching abilities has shown no problems so far, but status values seem broken atm, unless its something with my project. Hope you can fix. unity v5 Thanks!
    Post edited by matzart on
  • @UserName
    That seems to be a bug when using the All Enemies actor not including the player group (when used by an enemy of the player). Should be fixed in the next update.

    Did tests with such a setup and worked fine on my end (both item and status value). Could you send me a small Unity test project (or at least the ORK project file) to contact@orkframework.com?
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  • Another weird one; for some reason, my Player combatant does not spawn after loading a save, but only if I'm saving Makinom data on the ORK side of the plugin. Disabling Makinom Save Data will respawn the Player as normal. My Player combatant in ORK is also set as the Player in Makinom, if that makes a difference.

    The HUD appears normally, and at full HP, MP etc. The Combatant is just... missing, for some reason.
    Returning to try and debug or more accurately reproduce this one.

    Upon further investigation (or rather, spamming the pause button right after death), the Player DOES spawn correctly for a split second, as the screen begins to fade in. But then after that part of a second, the screen fades in again, seemingly reloading the scene twice, and the second time without the Player combatant.

    Removing all of my on-scene-load global events didn't seem to affect anything. I also tried not setting the Player as a Player in Makinom. It unfortunately made no difference, same behavior.

    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • edited February 2018
    When Save Makinom data is toggled on in the Plugin options on the ORK side; when I attempt to Load a Saved Game: TWO scene changers appear. One from ORK, and one from Makinom (?!).

    I'm pretty sure this is what's causing the combatant to disappear. The ORK scene changes first, and then the rogue Makinom scene-changer changes it again, but without the combatant. Any idea what might be causing the Makinom scene changer to appear?


    Source of issue found! Typo in the namespace field in the plugin on ORK's side. (Typed MakinomPlugin instead of ORKPlugin for some dumb reason.) I could use other aspects of the plugin fine so it hadn't occurred to me to double-check!

    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • @matzart
    As said via email - thanks for the test project, will be fixed in the next update :)

    So, the no spawn issue when loading is solved?
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • @gamingislove yeah, solved. :)
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • edited February 2018
    Umm, I have a weird issue. In custom Animations, when using Navmesh - Mouse driven player. Walk type animation and Run Type animation are switched.

    So when character moves first Run get's called, then Walk.

    I tried creating fresh combatant and same thing happened.

    Same happened with Button controller.
    Post edited by hellwalker on
  • Try enabling Use Position Change in the combatant's movement settings.
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • edited February 2018
    Ah it appears the bug was on my part. But here is what is happening.
    When player starts moving. The Walk and Idle get called on the same frame.
    I tried adding the movement speed change delay, and what happens here is:
    Walk + Run on same frame
    Run on the next frame.

    so technically it works, because on next frame I can give one instruction to Animator. But is there a way to prevent double animation call on first movement frame?

    I have also run into a problem during attack animation as well.
    How can I delay ORK from calling Idle animation after calling Attack animation?
    Here is how it happens: (The number after animation name is Time.time so shows time on this frame)

    My attack event:

    So end result is, second idle gets called so fast, it skips Attack in animator.
    This happens only to player, AI attacks just fine.

    Post edited by hellwalker on
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