So I just purchased ORK a few days ago and have been running through the Game Tutorial to get a feel for it (and seriously being blown away by the framework so far; especially coming from RPGAIO) and have run into a snag on step 23 here: the "Battle Start Event" when I add the "Play Sound" event, when I select the "Object" as Waypoint, the associated Waypoint select box is empty. I don't recall ever adding any Waypoints during this tutorial and it's probably something I missed but I've stepped back through the guide but I still can't seem to find where I went wrong.
Has anyone run into this before? Or does this seem familiar to someone and know what the issue is?
Thanks for any help!
Make sure you're clicking on New Battle Start Event to create a new battle start event when opening the event editor. You're probably working on a regular game event instead (which is the default when opening the event editor), which requires you to add waypoints in the Event Settings node - the other special event types (e.g. battle event, battle start/end events) have specific waypoints available without adding them.
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Appreciate you messaging back so quickly!