Can anyone provide example of how to set up a character so that its health and thirst decay over time allowing only eating or drinking to constantly keep values above zero. Zero hunger or thirst means death.
Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • edited August 2020
    auto apply status effect that every 1 second subtracts 1 from the status value.
    Food/drink would be a healing item for those status values
    Post edited by Wrofir on
    Miuratale : coming March 29 2025
  • edited August 2020
    Set up both as Consumable type status values that cause death (e.g. On Minimum) and use status effects for the decay (as Wrofir said, you can use the auto apply options of the effect to automatically add the effects to all combatants, also optionally only under certain conditions).
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • I followed the poison example in the game tutorials, but to no avail. Nothing happens.

    In the status effect Status Conditions:

    Status Value = hunger
    Change Value = 1
    Operator = Subtract / value
    Set On = Time
    Set Every = 5
    End on Death / Item being food item.

    On the combatant:
    Status Effect Settings

    Auto Status Effects.

    ADD > HungerDecay

    Checking the health real time on the combatant there is no change in the hunger value. This value is set to consumable.

    What am I missing?
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • Is the effect listed in the combatant's status information (e.g. in it's inspector when having the combatant's game object selected)?
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  • Yes it is listed

    HungerDecay -

    It displays as above the name and a small dash... nothing else and the hunger consumable value does not change.

    I also tried setting a condition being run only when hunger > 0 but did not seem to make any difference.

    It seems quite simple but must be missing something...
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • Ok one thing I have noticed is that the bool isdead = true. Yet character is playable. I am using a separate controller and camera. Invector Third Person Controller and Camera.
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • Well, if the combatant is dead - there's your problem :)

    Check the game over settings in Game > Game Settings in case you want to cause game over in that case (i.e. when it happens outside of battles).
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  • Ok I got it working. My experience with the system is very new although had this for a while.

    I had set the min / max values incorrectly. Had hunger min set to 100 rather than zero so when player started he died as hunger min was 100. I have now made the correct changes and the hunger now goes down as expected.

    Thanks for the help. To be honest there are so many settings (Great for flexibility) but somewhat confusing but like anything a learning curve this one is just a steep learning curve. Awesome I learned something. Cheers
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • If I use the alternate controller and camera, do the animations via the ORK editor still work. Or do animations now have to be triggered by code? I like Invector's controller and camera but wondering if I can still use the editor for animations assuming these animations have been added to the animator controller.
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • Generally that should be possible - though if a custom control also handles animation, those might clash.

    Also, are you talking about the auto animations (for idle/movement based on move speed) or calling animations (e.g. via Combatant Animation nodes)?
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  • I would assume the normal auto animations would not work as not using the built in controller. But how about say death animation or attack animations would they work as normal? Or would I need to call any animations from the combat nodes?
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • Actually, I think it will be fine as controller for movement only, and no problem adding animations to it for ORK to use.
    Greed is not sustainable without elements of human suffering.
  • Enabling Use Position Change in the combatant's movement settings will use the actual position change each frame to determine the movement speed and use that for auto animations - so they can be used independently from whatever player controls you're using.

    Also, calling individual animations (e.g. via the Combatant Animations node) will also just (try to) play the animation, so that's also independent from your controls.

    If it works out well or not depends on what other sources will play animations, e.g. if the player controls also play animations, that might conflict with each other, one overruling the other.
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