You found a bug in ORK Framework 3?
Please report them in this thread!
If you encountered an error message in Unity's console - please add them as a quote.
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it shows on an empty slot instead of a full slot.
Not really a bug - more like a missing feature, will look into it :)Edit: Actually, no, everything works as it should.
The Group Content Layout settings (should probably change the name) is used for the empty and back buttons.
The combatant buttons are managed by the Combatant Choice Layout settings of the part :)
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Yeah since there was the 'empty slot' settings just under, it mislead me.
Thanks !
The following errors have occurred.
1: Add a StatusValue and enter the play mode.
2: Display the PlayerCombatant inspector.
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Combatants.CombatantStatus.get_Item (System.Int32 index) (at <31ca37af20c44b2abe529fbc3bdcbc7d>:0)
CombatantComponentInspector.ComponentSetup (GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Components.CombatantComponent target) (at <8aa19607dbb3479bb57dcbe84fb580c1>:0)
CombatantComponentInspector.OnInspectorGUI () (at <8aa19607dbb3479bb57dcbe84fb580c1>:0)
UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass59_0.<CreateIMGUIInspectorFromEditor>b__0 () (at <d89c608915944df18d05e069483f8332>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)
New ORK Battle Game
Hm, the only way I get this error is when I add the status value while playing, which is not supported.
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What do you mean?
I have not added Status while in PlayMode.
I stopped the editor and added the Status Value from the ORKEditor.
I copied it from DEF Value.
I need a new StatusValue because I need to delimit the InventorySpace with a Combatant.
New ORK Battle Game
I removed it from the Tab and the error went away.
I usually keep the ORK Editor pinned to the Editor Tab because it's a pain to press Ctrl+Alt+M every time I open the ORK while developing a game.
Can you make it so that I don't get the error when I keep it pinned to Tab?
New ORK Battle Game
Ah, yeah ... know I also get this error, but only if I have the editor pinned somewhere it's visible when entering play mode. E.g. if it's attached to the same tabs as the 'Game' view, it doesn't happen.
I'll fix it in the next update.
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I had a very hard time finding the "Game Over" settings.
They only showed when the Beastiary Settings > Use Bestiary was clicked.
Looks like this box is improperly nested in the bestiary?
Yeah, that's a display bug - will be fixed in the next update.
Thanks for reporting :)
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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.AutoMachineComponent.CheckAutoStart () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.AutoMachineComponent.AutoStartCheck () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.AutoMachineComponent.OnEnable () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Canvas' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.
Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UI.UnityUIBoxSettings.Create (GamingIsLove.Makinom.UIBoxSetting setting) (at <abbeb45bef184be5940fe474287be253>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UIBoxSetting.Create () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UIBoxSetting.Create (GamingIsLove.Makinom.UIBoxAsset asset) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UIBoxSelection.Create () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UI.DialogueControl+Runtime.Show (System.Boolean isUpdate) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UI.DialogueControl+Runtime.Show (System.Int32 next) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Nodes.ShowDialogueNode.Execute (GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic schematic) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.ExecuteNextNode () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.Start () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic.PlaySchematic (System.Object source, GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.ISchematicStarter starter, System.Object machineObject, System.Object startingObject, System.Boolean isBlocking, GamingIsLove.Makinom.MachineUpdateType updateType, System.Int32 inputID) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.BaseMachineComponent.StartMachine (GamingIsLove.Makinom.Schematics.Schematic tmpSchematic, UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.BaseMachineComponent.StartMachine (UnityEngine.GameObject startingObject, GamingIsLove.Makinom.VariableHandler startVariables) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.AutoMachineComponent.CheckAutoStart () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.AutoMachineComponent.AutoStartCheck () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components.AutoMachineComponent.OnEnable () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'GameObject' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.
Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UI.UnityUIHandler.CheckEventSystem () (at <abbeb45bef184be5940fe474287be253>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.UI.UnityUIHandler.SceneLoaded () (at <abbeb45bef184be5940fe474287be253>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Maki.FireSceneLoaded () (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Maki.OnSceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) (at <50a23d0889644625b3d51e040cf6928b>:0)
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.Internal_SceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) (at <d3b66f0ad4e34a55b6ef91ab84878193>:0)
Did multiple tests with an empty scene and just ORK game starter and auto machine (tested with and without conditions, different start types, etc.) and all worked out fine.
Are you on a release version or still on a beta version?
By any chance do you have Reload Domain disabled in your Unity editor settings? ORK/Makinom currently require domain reloading or not all systems are initialized correctly when hitting play.
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