Hiya! I'm trying to initiate an action through a schematic (in battle) using the 'use battle action' node and 'calculate action,' but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm wondering if this is not possible, or if there's something I'm doing wrong. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!
  • That depends on when and where it's used and the setup of the Use Battle Action node - mainly the Add Action setting.

    E.g. if this is used by a schematic animating another action, you can use Sub Action as the Add Action type. This'll use the action as part of the currently ongoing action and not disrupt the battle order.
    Otherwise, Try will only try to use the action, but it might not be possible currently (e.g. user currently in action), or Next Action will register it as the next planned action for the user and use it when it's that user's turn.
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  • edited March 2023
    During the combatant's turn-end schematic, I use a schematic to verify whether all enemies possess a particular status effect. If this is true, I intend for the player to use the ability immediately. The setup is as follows:
    Post edited by Anoo on
  • Hm, the turn end schematic will not be able to do that - the combatant's turn ended already at that point, so he can't perform the action right now. It's also not possible to use a sub action here, because the turn end schematic isn't a battle action.

    Future updates might add new functionality for this, but can't really say if and when that'll come. For now, you can e.g. 'simulate' using the action, by just animating it in the turn end schematic (or using it's schematics there) and calculating the outcome using an Use Ability Calculation node.
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  • I managed to get it to work by simulating the action, and it seems to be functioning properly. Thank you!
  • edited March 2023
    Hiya, after trying it out a bit, the functionality is not fully working as intended. While using the Use Ability Calculation node to simulate an action, selecting a target (in battle) is not possible. To address this issue, I included a Combatant Selection dialogue node before it and attempted to transfer the selected combatant to the Use Ability Calculation node using the SelectedData parameter. Should this method work because now it just selects the first enemy. (Even though you selected another)
    Post edited by Anoo on
  • Next update will add functionality to use actions outside the battle order via the Use Battle Action node, that should do what you need :)
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  • ohh nice! Thanks
  • edited April 2023
    I was able to successfully use the " Use battle action" node after the update. However, I'm having trouble with targeting as the "combat selection dialogue" node only displays a dialogue and not the usual hud highlight and target pointer. I'm not sure if I'm using this method correctly or if I'm missing something.
    Post edited by Anoo on
  • No, the Combatant Selection Dialogue is just a dialogue showing combatants to select - this isn't a target selection and doesn't have those highlights.
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  • Is there another way besides the combating selection dialogue to use when utilizing the Use Battle Action node to select a target?
  • No, currently not - I'll look into it, maybe a fake 'target selection' node.
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  • edited April 2023
    Cool, thanks for the reply!
    Post edited by Anoo on
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