For context, I'm experimenting with battle/attack animations in a Real Time Battle setting and I encountered something unusual I guess? When I have the real time 'Real Time Battle Area', the main character's attack animation acts strangely.

Without it, it works great.

With the 'Real Time Battle Area' on and active, things get weird.

I'd like to know more about this, even beyond fixing this particular issue; exactly what's happening under the hood when this component is active?
Thank you!
The main difference is the combatant being 'in battle', e.g. battle animation setups kicking in. If the animations are different, I'd check the combatant's (and general combatant settings) animations if battle animations override something.
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E.g. if a regular animation has the animation type Attack set up to a specific animation and a battle animation has a different animation assigned to that animation type, in battle, the battle animations will overrule the regular animations.
Also, status effects, equipment, etc. can also override animations like that.
But, that's all stuff that would have to be set up at some point and doesn't happen out of the box. So, you'd have set up an animation setup and add it to a combatant, effect, equipment, etc. for this to kick in.
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It would help if I knew what exactly is happening under the hood when Ork considers a 'Battle' going on, it could be something else? Damage dealers/zones, an errant schematic or some other thing that 'activates' in a battle? What functions/components respond to Ork being 'in Battle'? Does Ork change how it recognizes keypresses, since I have to click multiple times to start that combo?
E.g. a control map can become available when it's set up to be used in battle but not in the field. An action that's set up to only be used in battle becomes available. Stuff like that.
I'd need a Unity test project to check what's going on.
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