How would you make this ability? Where the opponent attack and they take damage.
  • There are 3 ways to handle this - but in all cases, the thorns would be a status effect added to the combatant to have something to check for.

    1) Add additional target changes to the abilities that should also damage the attacker. Those target changes enable Switch User/Target to damage the user instead of the target and use conditions in their status changes to check for the thorn status effect (due to switched user/target the check is also reversed, i.e. you need to check the user here).

    2) Use Defence Status Effects as part of the thorn status effect. I.e. the damage is done in a separate status effect (e.g. on apply and only 1 second duration).
    Defence effects are added to the user/attacker of an ability when attacking a target with such a status bonus added (e.g. via the thorn effect). Abilities have to enable using defence effects.

    3) Use Change Schematics of status values. Add one to your health stat, which can be limited to e.g. negative changes and only execute when the thorn effect is added to the combatant. The schematic would handle dealing damage and has access to the change value via local variables, e.g. to base the damage on it.
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    Using solution #2, The Thorn Damage trigger on my player group, but not the attacker. Switch user/target doesn't do anything.
  • Well, you've enabled both Switch User/Target options, i.e. in Status Change settings above and the Status Effect. Disable one of them (e.g. in the Status Effect settings).
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  • I have tested Switch User/Target extensively. This is broken whether 1, 2, or none checked, the result doesn't change.
  • If the xThorn effect is the one added by the user to itself, user and target are both the same combatant.

    The Defence Status Effect I talked about above is not added using Status Changes of the effect. You need to set it up in the effect's Change Settings > Status Bonuses. Enable Custom Bonus and add a status effect change to the Defence Status Effect there.
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