edited July 28 in ORK Support

1.) i installed ORK - Rewired Input Key Integration via Makinom Extension manager.
i configured ORK input key like this ORK input key , i only add RMoveHorizontal for testing.
for Rewired i configured the default like this rewired with player ID 0 (Player0) , joystick, keyboard, mouse map maps added
but when i tried playing, it gives me this error and i lost control of the character. error log
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
GamingIsLove.Makinom.RewiredInputIDKeySetting.GetAxis (GamingIsLove.Makinom.InputIDKey inputKey, System.Int32 inputKeyID) (at Assets/Gaming Is Love/Makinom 2/Plugins/Scripts/RewiredInputKey.cs:149)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.InputIDKey.GetAxis (System.Int32 inputKeyID) (at <19ae8cac3ed44d6c8c92a1dcd24e60a3>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.InputIDKey.StoreForFixedUpdate (System.Int32 inputKeyID) (at <19ae8cac3ed44d6c8c92a1dcd24e60a3>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.InputKey.StoreForFixedUpdate () (at <19ae8cac3ed44d6c8c92a1dcd24e60a3>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.InputKeysSettings.Tick () (at <19ae8cac3ed44d6c8c92a1dcd24e60a3>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.Maki.FireTick () (at <19ae8cac3ed44d6c8c92a1dcd24e60a3>:0)
GamingIsLove.Makinom.MakinomHandler.Update () (at <19ae8cac3ed44d6c8c92a1dcd24e60a3>:0)
if i remove rewired setting from ORK input keys, it works fine.

how can i make sure ork registers the player to Rewired?
UPDATE : i fixed it by using latest unitypackage provided in the web v1.1.0.
the one that is imported from makinom extension manager didnt work, eventhough both have the same version 1.1.0.
thanks to @Acissathar for the fix

2). i have these settings for my character
ORK input key
move horizontal
move vertical
action setting
joystick map

but my character can only move up and move right ( positive axises), but when i try moving left and down with the left analogue stick, the character doesnt move.
everything that is related to axis only work on the positive value.
Buttons work fine.
how to properly tell rewired to conform ork axises?

Post edited by rmagn on
  • 1) Uh, can you tell me where I can find this fixed version?
    I'd like to compare that with the current one on my end :)

    2) Try disabling Limit Axis in the input key settings if that makes any difference.
    Generally, the input key will use the axis value that's reported from Rewired.
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  • edited July 29
    1) working script link while makinom ext manager didnt work (both have ver 1.1.0)
    the direct visible difference is the position of rewired player id variable in input keys.

    2) i tried disabling limit axis, same result
    i tried using positive and negative instead of Full Axis range on both keyboard and joystick (splitting into move up and move down) with limit axis on & off, same result too..

    this is setup for keyboard keyboard

    i tried using rewired on empty scene result

    it works fine (positive and negative axises are detected)

    UPDATE :
    i got the problem.
    im using a combined control like this combined setup, where R move vertical is using Rewired input origin, and Vertical move uses Keycode.
    i think the integration (rewiredinputkey.cs) is only intended for Rewired input origin, not combined with Input Key input origin.
    so for now if i only use Rewired input origin, control works fine.
    is there any way to make both works so i can use this setting? (if possible, for testing purposes)
    Post edited by rmagn on
  • 1) Strange - the downloadable one and the extension manager both use the same file. Most likely you downloaded it prior to the version update via the manager and didn't download it again ...

    2) I'll do some tests.
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • 2) Seems to be an issue with combined inputs in general, not specific to the Rewired integration.
    Will be fixed in the next (Makinom) update.
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
    If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
  • thank you it will help a lot XD
  • I just stumbled across Rewired Input Key extension. This looks awesome. I'm looking into adding Rewired for the key rebinding part of it.

    Should I wait until the next Makinom update before trying to integrate?
  • hi,
    it works fine with ork for rewired input type.
    but if you want to use it with ORK Input Key, as of now its not working properly.
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