edited August 27 in ORK Support

im trying to set combatant element
for example :
combatant A element none
combatant b element fire
or maybe set combatant strength and weaknesses
and want to display the element as HUD when in battle like this
is there any way to achieve this? i didnt meet any option that allows me to define combatants element
i only found how combatants react to attack modifiers (elements).
Post edited by rmagn on
  • A combatant having an element would be a defence modifier, i.e. an attribute that's assigned to a combatant, using the attacker's attribute values for damage changes.

    Attack modifiers on the other hand are added to attacks (abilities, items) and use the attacked combatant's attribute values for damage changes.
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  • hi ,
    is this my understanding about attack and defence modifiers right?
    Status - attack modifiers = i define ability element ( fire, none, etc)
    status - defence modifiers = i set combatant size and element
    status - abilities - ability Fire = i set the target setting attack modifier to Fire
    combatants - combatants - XXX = i set in the status settings
    defence modifier ID
    size small
    combatant element Ice
    Attack modifier values
    None 100
    Fire 150
    Ice 0

    with this setting,
    i assume that this setting will result in
    combatant XXX has small size with ice element
    and it will get 150% damage of any Fire elemental attack it receives?
    or should i put the values none 100 fire 150 ice 0 into the defence modifier values instead of the attack modifier values?

    if this is right, then i most likely need to put the attack modifiers values to every combatant?
  • rmagn said: if this is right, then i most likely need to put the attack modifiers values to every combatant?
    Correct - you can set up status bonus templates for easy use across multiple combatants in Templates > Status Bonuses.

    Elements, size, etc. - that's all just names and 'coating' for the underlying things, i.e. an attribute assigned to an attack or combatant and using the attribute values to change the damage outcome.

    Attack modifiers and defence modifiers are separate things and don't use each other's values. E.g. if you set up an attack modifier Element and also a defence modifier Element, the element of an attack isn't affected by the element of the attacked combatant.

    In short, you'd basically 'fake' such a system, mainly using the attack modifier for giving attacks an element and using the target's elemental values for damage changes. The defence modifier element would just be used to give the combatant an element for display, but still use attack modifier values accordingly.

    What you can do with elements (defence modifiers) bound to combatants is give an attacker e.g. a bonus when attacking enemies of a specific element - since defence modifiers use the values of the attacker.

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  • ah okay i got it now, thank you for the explanation !
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