
im trying to add ork functionality into my UI by adding UI Button OK, Cancel component into 2 button for OK and cancel and UI box into the root panel.

but when i call it via the menu screen, it gets disabled and i cannot click on it

how can i make it enabled / interactable? is there anything i do wrong?

also is there a way to add ork navigation into this prefab?
for example i navigate to graphics then i can select the values using ASWD?

  • edited September 12
    An Information menu part is just an information display and not controlable, i.e. the ok/cancel buttons will be disabled due to that.

    You can create custom input options to add more options to ORK/Makinom's option menus.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • umm sadly i dont understand how to use those custom input yet .

    is there any work around for this using ork built in feature / menu screen?

  • @gamingislove If the ok/cancel buttons don’t work is there a reason the information menu part has check boxes for show ok/cancel buttons?

    Just curious if there’s a use case and some way to use those buttons (like to close the menu screen) or it’s just due to a base class or something?
  • I have plans to add new options in future updates, but not sure when I'll come to that.
    Otherwise, I'm sure there are a few 3rd party option menu assets in the Unity asset store that are controlable via inputs as well - so that could easily be added to an ORK menu via the open/close schematics of a menu screen.

    They can be used in case there are multiple pages added to the menu part - i.e. you can use the ok button to cycle through them.
    Cancel button should work to close the menu.
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