Hi there! I've gone through the tutorials, and I'm using real time battles. I use a first-person based view, largely using the First Person character controller from here:
https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/14474 When I move into the battle area, the enemy comes to me and starts attacking. However, between each attack, it does a 'loop' around my player - like it runs a quick circle around it. It should (hopefully) just face the player and continue attacking. I think it might be going back to its patrol between attacks, but I'm not sure. Any ideas on this?
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The move AI does a wrong time check (checking time > 0 instead of time >= 0), resulting in intervals of 0 not updating the target's position ...
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Where can I find this "Target Position Check Intervals" setting? Thanks. Am also using Real Time Battles and First Person.
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@matzart---I'll try that thanks!!
This removed the circling problem.
I think there must be some problem here in Real Time Battles with the circling effect because the box collider shouldn't be necessary should it?
@matzart--just out of curiosity-- do you use a battle menu? And how do you select which enemy you want to attack? Thanks.
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Also the size of the box trigger wont effect walking through doors or anything, niether should an interaction controller, if you uncheck the trigger checkbox it will, since it will then collide with stuff.
How do you link a damage dealer/zone to a button? My attack is linked to a button. Using first person. Was wondering how to use damage dealer zones with first person. That sounds like a good idea but don't know how to do it. Thanks.
Linking damage dealers to buttons is done through attacks that acitvate them, as shown in the game tutorials. In first person, you'd need to e.g. use equipment spawners to display weapons with damage dealers or spawn prefabs for your spells (e.g. a fireball with a damage dealer).
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And how can I use an equipment spawner with first person---could you just point me in the direction of where to read about this--I did a search that didn't turn up anything.
Going to try to use damage dealers for battle. Thanks.