[ORKEditorHelp("Rotation Offset", "The scale the object will be set to.", "")]
It should read "Scale" instead of duplicate "Rotation Offset".
Also Tools/TransformHelper.cs:57
child.parent = parent;
This should be in the beginning around line 40, not in the end. Setting parent within scaled environment (using NGUI Root or for other reasons) messes up scaling, this is long known Unity issue. So reparenting first, then setting up position/scale etc.
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I found a bug with quests tasks not updating with save games. They update when completing the task after starting a fresh new game, but if you load a save, then complete the task, it does not update.
@matzart Can't confirm that - at least with my (simple) setup it's working fine. Can you send me a small Unity test project to contact@orkframework.com?
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I feel like this might be a bug, but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, I figure it's better to mention it here than start another topic.
Currently running Unity 5 and Ork 2.4.
I'm having a strange issue with my character that I don't recall having in Unity 4.6. Basically, what will happen is when my character hits a wall, instead of coming to a stop like they usually did in 4.6, I've found instead that it's possible for the character to 'slide' up the wall to the top of it. I've tried changing my character controller, the colliers on my objects, and increasing gravity, but if I run into walls for long enough, the character will suddenly jump to the spot at the top of the wall.
Within the same scene, using Unity 5's new ThirdPersonController prefab does not cause these issues. It's only when I'm using ORK to control my character.
Ack, HUD issue with either 2.4.0 or 2.3.1. (Updated from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0)
I noticed that for my main HP HUD, the HP Bar Icons are appearing BEHIND the background image instead of in front of it. It's not a Z-depth issue, going to the UI camera and pulling the HP icons forward has no effect. The background image will always render in front of the HP icons. Was working perfectly in 2.3.0 and for at least a year.
It looks to me like the background image has been given a higher layer priority than the icons, somehow.
I think Unity 5 has a "something" I don't remember what it is that keeps you from having problems with colliding with walls--a physics thing or script. I don't remember because I was focusing on audio at the time. But I noted it as interesting enough to go back and look at.
I also think I read in the Unity 5 forum there are some problems with layers.
I also have a problem when I use my skill bar to damage a monster--the darn thing jumps up into the sky just like LNMRae's player and then eases down. For my spiders, that's not bad. It looks like they are climbing up invisible spider silk but not all of my monsters are spiders.
I don't think these are ORK issues. But maybe you have a way to save us, Gil? : ) Even so?
@LNMRae Is that happening with one of the built-in controls or with movement steps in events?
@Kirb Do you have that problem in Unity 4.6 as well or only in Unity 5? Nothing changed here on ORK's side - it may be a Unity issue with the sibling index (i.e. their position in the scene hierarchy). Getting the same issue as well ... will look for a solution.
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Built-in controls. I don't have any movement steps going on at the moment so I can't say whether or not the issue would carry over. But from what Catacomber has said, it sounds like we might have the same underlying issue.
@Kirb Found the issue - seems like there where some undocumented changes with the sibling index in Unity 5, will be fixed in the next update.
@LNMRae Not happening in my test setup - can you send me a small Unity test project? Simple scene where this is happening :)
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Well, I did some experimenting and I have to say... I have no idea what's going on, lol! My scene consists of some planes I modeled and composed together to look like a wall with a trim, exported to OBJ format and then turned into a prefab with a box collider on it in Unity. With the box collider enabled, my character will 'shoot' up into the air on these walls. If I disable the colliders and use a Unity plane instead...then everything behaves correctly.
I think Catacomber is right and this is a weird new issue with Unity 5. These walls are exactly the same in 4.6 and there is no issue with the ORK controller. Not sure why Unity's new default controller behaves correctly, but the easiest way to solve it for now seems to be to change my colliders. Thank you for your help.
@LNMRae--using my custom controller--Easy Mobile Joystick-- I don't have any problem navigating the corridors of a dungeon and --checking my other monsters --they don't jump up into the air--at least so far-- like the spider. I have to think the spider might have some climbing animation that never was exhibited before Unity5. It is pretty cool how they seem to be crawling up a strand of silk and down again when I hit them.
After upgrading to Unity 5, I seem to get this error after running the game, stopping it and returning to the editor:
Recursive Serialization is not supported. You can't dereference a PPtr while loading. (Constructors of C# classes may not load objects either eg. EditorGUIUtility.TextContent should be moved to OnEnable. See stacktrace.) UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:LoadAssetAtPath(String, Type) ORKSceneWizard:.ctor() UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:LoadSerializedFileAndForget(String) UnityEditor.EditorApplicationLayout:SetStopmodeLayout()
Also Tools/TransformHelper.cs:57 This should be in the beginning around line 40, not in the end. Setting parent within scaled environment (using NGUI Root or for other reasons) messes up scaling, this is long known Unity issue. So reparenting first, then setting up position/scale etc.
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Can't confirm that - at least with my (simple) setup it's working fine. Can you send me a small Unity test project to contact@orkframework.com?
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
Currently running Unity 5 and Ork 2.4.
I'm having a strange issue with my character that I don't recall having in Unity 4.6. Basically, what will happen is when my character hits a wall, instead of coming to a stop like they usually did in 4.6, I've found instead that it's possible for the character to 'slide' up the wall to the top of it. I've tried changing my character controller, the colliers on my objects, and increasing gravity, but if I run into walls for long enough, the character will suddenly jump to the spot at the top of the wall.
Within the same scene, using Unity 5's new ThirdPersonController prefab does not cause these issues. It's only when I'm using ORK to control my character.
I noticed that for my main HP HUD, the HP Bar Icons are appearing BEHIND the background image instead of in front of it. It's not a Z-depth issue, going to the UI camera and pulling the HP icons forward has no effect. The background image will always render in front of the HP icons. Was working perfectly in 2.3.0 and for at least a year.
It looks to me like the background image has been given a higher layer priority than the icons, somehow.
When I tried to look at it in the ORK editor, it looks fine, the way it's always been:
But in-game, the HP blocks are hidden behind the background image...
Help! :(
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
I also think I read in the Unity 5 forum there are some problems with layers.
I also have a problem when I use my skill bar to damage a monster--the darn thing jumps up into the sky just like LNMRae's player and then eases down. For my spiders, that's not bad. It looks like they are climbing up invisible spider silk but not all of my monsters are spiders.
I don't think these are ORK issues. But maybe you have a way to save us, Gil? : ) Even so?
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
Is that happening with one of the built-in controls or with movement steps in events?
Do you have that problem in Unity 4.6 as well or only in Unity 5?
Nothing changed here on ORK's side - it may be a Unity issue with the sibling index (i.e. their position in the scene hierarchy). Getting the same issue as well ... will look for a solution.
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
Found the issue - seems like there where some undocumented changes with the sibling index in Unity 5, will be fixed in the next update.
Not happening in my test setup - can you send me a small Unity test project? Simple scene where this is happening :)
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
I think Catacomber is right and this is a weird new issue with Unity 5. These walls are exactly the same in 4.6 and there is no issue with the ORK controller. Not sure why Unity's new default controller behaves correctly, but the easiest way to solve it for now seems to be to change my colliders. Thank you for your help.
Awesome, thanks for looking into it.
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
Recursive Serialization is not supported. You can't dereference a PPtr while loading. (Constructors of C# classes may not load objects either eg. EditorGUIUtility.TextContent should be moved to OnEnable. See stacktrace.)
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:LoadAssetAtPath(String, Type)