Using the Event system you can create a time and day system. here is the tutorial:
I used this as the basis for my time system, but i use skymaster for the dynamic sky system, since it had hi…
you have a point @bantichai. I was working on making sure that the battle functioned, since i originally had issues with it. I didn't work on the full presentation of it yet.
Having the main character on the left is a good idea. I also thought of …
check the player. i would suggest starting with a cube, then adding the player with no camera and build until you can see what caused it to crash. it can be time consuming, but it would be better than not having a character to call upon.
also, chec…
i checked the events, and i did not see a way that will allow normal events within events
however you can create and event and leave it inactive until a specific variable is called.
you can create a global event and set the type to call, this …
Edit: Added Time System: Sky Master syncs with Ork and displays time on the HUD while you are in the Overworld.
more information here
in case this is seen here first instead of the official bug thread:
bugs with latest update (Unity 5.6.0f3)
After the game starts, none of the UI appears, except for dialog boxes. the level transitions work when selecting a door but "interact" doe…
bugs with latest update (Unity 5.6.0f3)
After the game starts, none of the UI appears, except for dialog boxes. the level transitions work when selecting a door but "interact" does not appear.
when starting a dialog, the music that plays when the …
Idk why the picture suddenly stopped working but i fixed it. in case it happens again i will describe it here.
Im using "Change Game Variables"
Yariable Origin: Global
Value Type: Game Variable
Value: targetSceneName (the name of the variable i pl…
I'm a solo dev doing the same thing. I make my own music and story but rely on the Asset store for models since modelling would take forever for me.
I really like how this game looks so far when this game is released i would really want to play it
The issue I had is fixed with the initial game variables, so i am happy :-)
Time to do the date and time tutorial and attempt to integrate it with SkyMaster.
It is very possible. Ork is amazing.
@kirb is making a 2D metroidvaina game called "Dead Gear" that I really want to play - and it is using aspects of ORK framework.
he may be able to answer your question better than …
Not that I know of. I will double check.
There is an auto-close feature and you can make the text close at your pace, especially if you are timing the text with sounds and animations.
i would suggest checking the events to see if there is any animations that will cause this. not if is not animation based the best thing is to give a screenshot of the event or a video of the glitch so we can get a better understanding of the issue.
so... Sky master ultimate has script that will allow ork framework to take control of its time features using a "time" variable. I will do the time and date tutorial -as soon as the ork update happens - I will test the script and post the results.