Hi! Add the ORKQuestMachineSaveData script to your Pixel Crushers Save System GameObject. When ORK saves a game, this script will insert the Pixel Crushers Save System data into the ORK saved game.
Hi @ThreeNippledWanda - I'm sorry you didn't get the forum registration email. If you're still looking for it, please check your spam folder, or email tony (at) pixelcrushers.com, or hop on discord as @hellwalker pointed out. I reply to all emails a…
I replied here on the Pixel Crushers forum.
I'll recap here, too:
It's by design, as some devs may not want to block control when the quest journal is open or when showing the dialogue UI. The intent is that you'd set up your own event to blo…
My pleasure! I enjoy working with ORK Framework.
For anyone who is importing the Dialogue System for Unity's ORK Framework support package along with Quest Machine's ORK Framework support package, there was a small name conflict in Quest Machine 1.…
Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in releasing Quest Machine's ORK Framework support! It's finally on the store now: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/39834
If you have any questions, please feel free to post here, or on the Quest Machin…
Hi everyone! Thanks for all your interest in Quest Machine!
As soon as time allows, I'll post a tutorial video that demonstrates how to set up your game for procedural quest generation.
In brief, the general idea is that your scene will have gener…
(Thanks, Catacomber!)
gamingislove - I created a new, empty Unity 5.1.0 project. Then I downloaded and imported ORK Framework 2.5.1. Finally, I imported the demo package in the ORK Framework folder. The egg and sword models (*.blend) don't show up …
Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but did the pre-Unity 5 tutorial resources come with FBX or OBJ versions of the egg and sword models? I don't have Blender installed. In a clean project with ORK 2.5.1, Unity 5.1.0 reports "Blender could not…
Love/Hate's great for players who like interacting with NPCs, but it also works for players who like fighting because you can tie traits to combat events (e.g., this is a "virtuous" act, or a "violent" act, or a "brave" act, etc.) that NPCs will jud…
Thanks! What's the best way to know when a game is about to be saved, so I can generate the string and save it as a game variable? And what's the best way to know when a game has just been loaded, so I apply that variable to the Dialogue System?