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  • @gamingislove @Acissathar was on-point and got me through this one! Works like a charm, how I ever missed count to value is beyond me. I used my menu screen hud bars to test and set the time to 3 seconds and it works! Big thanks!
  • Ok cool, have it arranged - now I just need help with getting those values to display as a value bar slowly incrementing - Like experience gains show the value bar slowly fill to the received amount after battle. Is this this be done with a schem…
  • @gamingislove haha - as always you got it right away. For speed of creating like abilities, I copy a lot and modify what needs modifying - Glad you were able to find it. The other issue is definitely a Unity quirk, doesn’t hurt me at all and is co…
  • Bug ORK 3.5 Unity 2021.3.6f1LTS Getting a ton of these errors - only seems to happen when opening a schematic. Error 1: GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEv…
  • Possible Bug in ORK3.5: When copying a previously made spell/ability - changing the effects prefab (say Wind) does not end up actually changing it. So if I had a tornado effect for wind and copied the entire ability and just changed the prefab for…
  • Excellent! Thanks you @Acissathar and @RustedGames - on vacation down at the beach, but you know I brought my laptop to continue work when it rains lol.
  • Resolved - for future searchers, here’s the flow: My scene uses NavMesh, and baked with its obstacles etc - as it would need to be for any terrain you come up with. I added a NavMesh Agent component to my characters prefab (all of the main cast ac…
  • @Scyra - thanks friend! Trying it out now! I can get NPC’s to move around, even randomly with waypoints - it’s getting the Player or ORK players to move. Looking into your advice now! Thanks as always friend!
  • @Scyra - we are dev fam for sure lol - totally do it everrrryday hahaha! I'm just saying what we are all thinking at some point - im working on a node guide in my graph paper book, i swear its the one bit of ORK/MAK we all need lol
  • @Acissathar @Scyra we are all on the same page, sometimes I swear I overcomplicate stuff and spends hours chasing something so simple. I did this same Lerp over time via script to get my Dissolve shader going. For those poor souls seeking an answ…
  • Thanks @Scyra - I think it’s going to get funny the way I’m doing to. Basically my spells in this game change the lands weather, and time - right now I have tickets for those in the inspector as floats (sliders) to manually adjust to find points I …
  • So while I achieved the result - what if I wanted that float to Lerp - like increase over time. I have it working, but its jarring as it changes the float instantly. Can we do this with a node the way I am or do I need to write a script for it?
  • Annnnnd @Acissathar with the assist! I’m hardcore blanking this weekend. I’ve don’t that a hundred times with Cinemachine and you would think I’d be there. Going to have to make a nice node workflow memory chart hahaha. Thanks!
  • Just wanted to add that this is a great post for others in the future @Acissathar
  • love it - im leaving for vacation when you get back - it'll be like you have two weeks at that point lol
  • @gamingislove - working this out today - thanks!
  • Oh yeah - having a derived UI Button is nice as extending it with tweens is great - I’m sure all of these kind of things became a lot easier with Unity's UIBuilder system using UXML, but I’m getting real used to the prefab system now. It’s paid o…
  • Thanks @gamingislove - formation does solve for it to a degree, might just come to a better hunting ai on my part and keep them limited with radius as if the group leader of the enemy combatants gets too close to the fence, they will spawn like I wa…
  • Maybe something like this @Scyra: if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.GetComponent() == scyraButton) { ButtonSelected = true; } else { ButtonSelected = false; } and then move on to the next or just searc…
  • @Scyra - this is how I'm tweening onFocus - or onSelected -- are you looking for how I am finding the selected like this? public override void OnSelect(BaseEventData eventData) { if (isSelected) return; is…