I'm hosting the file on my website :
I compressed the game with my mac, is there any problem with uncompressing it ?
News of 3rd December : Finally, the first chapter of the story is done. Two years of work for... maybe one or two hour in game ^_^;
Canelle Quest (Mac) and Canelle Quest (Window)
I made some light change in the battle system, inspired by the ga…
@gamingislove Thanks for the answer. I don't understand at all this key bug. I don't have key problem in the unity editor. But in running game, the game act as if I have a qwerty Keyboard instead of my Azerty. So I changed all the Key Code to use on…
@Acissathar Thank you for the advice. I deleted the folder, re-downloaded orkframework and re-import it through a Unity 6 window. But the problem is still the same. I have this error when importing and Menu screen doesn't show in game when called.
Hello, it's been a long time but I'm still slowly working on my little game. I almost finish my first chapter. but I face an huge problem. I updated unity to unity 6 (It was a very bad idea).
Unity throw and error about Makinom, I re-import the orkf…
Merci beaucoup pour ton retour, Tr1nome. J'arrive à m'en sortir avec l'anglais, mais j'ai encore beaucoup de travail pour maitriser ORK et avancer l'histoire du jeu^^
Hello, the new version of the begginning of my game is ready !! There's an English version now, and 3 zones to explore.
PC version here and Mac Version here
I spent so much time to correct bugs and mistakes. Three months of work for about 30 mi…
I changed the value as you suggested, and the movement of the second combattant is better. Thank you. She doesn't sprint, but she follow in the good direction.
@gamingislove I have found the parameter solution. Thank you. The cause was some modification in settingsI did for testing. But I forgot to put the right settings back.
I have a question about the compatibility of Ork with some features of 2D package.
I first used a simple way to create animator controller and animation for player, combattant, NPC, enemy... etc. Animation is based on Sprite and I use override con…
I have update my player with the new tutorial of 2D grid battle. The Sprite and animator are on the Sprite object and now use the Direction/Speed parameters. It work fine with the player.
But when I have a second combattant in group, with…
Thank for your answer, I found the reason (Although there really something strange...)
In the animator controller, there was a single animation using the renderer color property
(but I don"t use this animation). I deleted the animatio…
Color changes on game objects change the color of the object's renderer - some materials/shaders don't support that, so that might be the source of this issue.
Also, some other parts of ORK might also change the color, e.g. a flying text, …
Hello, I don't know if this is a bug or something I miss...
In schematics, I use the node "Change color" with some objet. It works with some object, but It doesn't work on the player. The player don't change color.
I tried to change color with an…
Thank you very much for this fast answer ! You solved the second problem (I didn't see one of the turn object options).
About the 2D sprite direction animation, I will see if I can base direction animation on rotation by myself. If not, I will wait…