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  • I have a menu button override in the UI box that I use for the main menu. This override doesn't seem to be saved properly, because if I delete the project's Library folder or do a clean checkout from source control the override is reset to "None (Ga…
  • I've found some more bugfixes:
  • A good way to get started would be to follow this tutorial: Once you've completed it you should have a better understanding of how to use the grid system and also…
  • Here are some minor bugfixes: Edit: This error in Gameplay\Values\Variables\Origin\VariableOriginGet.cs also appears in VariableOriginSet.cs on line 490: ListVariableOrigin.ObjectID == this.origin) // should be ListVar…
  • It looks amazing, I can't wait to explore these beautiful underwater cities. The character designs are also really well done
    in Miuratale WIP Comment by TW0 June 2024
  • In TerrainDataChanges.cs there might be an error. float[,] heightMap is stored as [y, x] but float[,,] alphaMap is stored as [x, y, a]. The issue is in public void LoadGame(DataObject data): this.alphaMap = new float[ySize, xSize, aSize]; // [y, x,…
  • Here's the new article on how to create effects like the enemy defeat animation from Final Fantasy and the Spectre from DOOM.
  • @gamingislove I used Jetbrains Resharper to perform static analysis on the Makinom 2 and ORK Framework 3 solutions. I narrowed the results down to what I think are potential issues. Makinom 2 Static Analysis ORK Framework 3 Static Analysis There's…
  • @Wrofir Today's article is about making pixel art work in 3D, as well as how to improve the shadows on billboards in Unity. Let me know if you'd like to play with a top-down or isometric camera. Perfecting Unity’s Billboard Shader for 2D Character…
  • @Wrofir That's really impressive! You're able to combine animations like the character walking, moving their tail and turning their head. I was almost convinced it was pre-rendered until I realised how many sprites that would need. Today I fixed th…
  • @Wrofir Thank you! I've just uploaded a new article. It's about how to create billboard characters in Unity that achieve the same quality as Square Enix's HD2D games. Perfecting Unity’s Billboard Shader for HD2D - Part 1
  • The Spawn ORK Player node doesn't allow you to set the rotation like the Spawn Player node does. It would also be useful if it had the Place On Ground setting like the Spawn Point component. You could set it so that the raycast starts A units abo…
  • In Battles -> Battle System -> Active Time -> Active Time Settings -> Battle Mode, the option 'Use All Actions' still applies even if 'Use Multi Choice' is disabled. It's normally hidden unless 'Use Multi Choice' is ticked. This was cau…
  • I just switched my project to using AssetBundles. The only issue I've had is using sliced sprites. Each character has a sprite sheet and I use one of them for their Icon Sprite and Portrait Sprite. A sliced sprite with the name Bat_1_S has 12 sprit…
  • @gamingislove Thank you! Sorry, this isn't the first time I've reported an issue that was mentioned in the patch notes.
  • @gamingislove Upgrading from ORK Framework 3.10.0 to 3.11.1 has caused the Attack, Escape and Skip actions to be disabled. This only happens after the first character has taken their turn. It also doesn't matter which party member it is, even after …
  • @gamingislove Thank you! It's working great now. I'm able to save in any scene and always load into the World one, with the last position I saved manually.
  • When loading a game I always want the player to load into the scene called World. In UI -> Save Game Settings -> Save Data Settings I disabled Player Position. This option says it saves the player's position, rotation and current scene. I have…
  • @gamingislove I'm having an issue with the touchscreen joystick input. The position will not change from the place you first touch it. The character will also keep moving in that direction until you lift your finger from the screen. There's also th…
  • I'm not sure if this will affect custom controllers, but this is something that worked when using the built-in one. Under Combatants -> Combatants -> General Settings -> Default Find Ground, change "On Ground Check" from "None" to "Raycast…