Amazing!! It was working!! perfect!!!
I was soooo happy to know it.
Thank you so much!
you are so nice, kind and fast everytime!!
I will ask when I don't know next time too.
Have a nice weekend!!
Thank you for answering about it.
after I got your answer, I tried and tried.
At the end, I realized I didn't set the Combatant's general setting animation.
Oh... after set up and It was working well.…
Sorry. I have 1 more question.
I could change my status value by script.
but even though I added values to my status value so changed the value's number and effected well,
whenever I got my level up, my status value returned to the number which I se…
Thank you!! It was working!!
I could show the Status value at my UI and change the value by script.
I always thank you for your kindness and smartness!!
You are soooo clever!!
How did you know I used a canvas!
I deleted the canvas and added HUD component so It was working well!!
Thank you so much!!!
Have a nice week and beautiful September!
I added by the way you let me know. (I added with a HUD component at it's root)
It was working to come out at the Hierarchy but it dosen't show up.
there is showing up not to be under UI layer except for Pool
(but Pool is usually not active and I c…
I use the ORK 3 and I already used in head.
could you give me the example?
I don't know where ORK is.
there is the capture of my script.…