I understand that [UI Text] in a Schematic only works if it is part of an ORK UI box or HUD.
If I want to create a simple UI > Button (TextMeshPro) in ORK,
Which should I create it using an UI box or a HUD?
Is there a Button option under UI…
It worked fine
but I don't know how to put it back
How to set Vertical Axis to [5:Vetical Move] and Horizontal Axis to [4:Horizonal Move] of Button Controller (Component)
Please tell me how to do it with C#Script.
How to set Vertical Axis to [5:Vetical Move] and Horizontal Axis to [4:Horizonal Move] of Button Controller (Component)
①Please tell me how to do it with Schmatic.
②Please tell me how to do it with C#Script.
When blocking PlayerControl
BlockPlayerControl= Disabling Button Controller (Component) ⇒Speed behavior becomes strange
There was no problem when I manually set the Vertical Axis to None and the Horizontal Axis to None of Button Controller (Comp…
I tried both, but it didn't work.
Even if I disable ChractorContoler, Speed(Variable) may fluctuate.
The same behavior occurs even if you manually disable the Button Controller(Component).
There seems to be a problem with the Button Controller set…
I am using the built-in controls as they're used in the 3D Action RPG tutorial
>the built-in controls handle this automatically
I am making it work by changing the character(by built-in control), but the action changes depending on the chara…
Item is 3D Cube : Box Collider(Is trigger)+Trigger Machine (Trigger Enter)& Schematic Asset
Schematic : Settings(BlockPlayerControl)+Wait(5sec)
In the thread "How does "Block Player Control" Effect the Movement Script?"
You probably need to …
>depends on which camera control you're using.
I've looked at the Change Fields node, but I'm not sure of the settings.
Can you give me an example?
Camera Control Type= Top DownBorder
I meant C# Variables.
I understood that Makinom Variable and C# Variables are different and
I understood that Change Variable only affects Makinom Variables.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Thank you for the reply.
I have a variable defined in C#.
When I change the variable with Change Variable in ORK.
DntDestroyOnLoad>_Makinom>Int Variable
I can see that the target variable has been changed.
However, Debug.Log in C# below doe…
Additional Information
Save Point Component>Start Settings
Trigger Enter screen is dark occurs
Interact no problem
Trigger Exit no problem
If this happens, there is no error, but
Makinom Handler is in the following state…