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  • With build-in ORK feature, select combatant then select ability from UI, similar to 2d Grid Tutorial.
  • When using the code, ability UseRange and AffectRange is highlighted.But no action is selecting targets?
  • I noticed, when target selection of ability, use this code var combatant = ORK.Battle.SelectingCombatant; IShortcut shortcut = combatant.Battle.BattleMenu.TargetHighlight.Shortcut; and shortcut is null. Am I missing something?
  • 7)Yes, stop TargetSelection and select ability again from UI and highlight updated. Sry I noticed Im testing in not latest ORK.So I updated ORK and StopTargetSelection becomes to work and UI back to ability selection window.But StartTargetSelection…
  • 7) After changing global variable, var combatant = ORK.Battle.SelectingCombatant; using this code and then doing as you're told, but nothing happens. Am I missing something?
  • 7) I tried this (change conditional affect range by global variable) and works but I have one problem.Highlight area is not refreshed until pointing other grid cell.Are there…
  • 6) If I want to get combatant ability use range from not current GridCell, get AbilityShortcut from combatant and get TargetSelectionSetting from AbilityShortcut and using this code. targetSelectionSetting.useRange.GetConditionalRange(user, abil…
  • 5) I have a similar problem with this. In my case, when Abilities - Ability Variables uses Variable Change Templates, just showing the ability not edit at all, always ask…
  • Can I request any access to origin cell in Battle Range - Grid Shape - Variable Conditions ? or any access to object variables of checked cell in Battle Range - Grid Shape - Check Height Differences?
  • 4) Sry I didn't explain well enough. I noticed when I try to use long range explosion magic with affect range ,it is needed to check the local value of center cell and other affect range cell. So I want to access Battle Range base cell.
  • 2)Thanks.I'm waiting for next update. 3)Understood. I'll try it. 4)Does Battle Range - Grid Shape - Variable Conditions have any access to base cell ?Target cell can access via Local origin.If not, Can I request this feature?
  • 3) My test AI is Provoked - same as 2D Grid Tutorial Base Attack - change from 2D Grid Tutorial ・Clear Found Targets checked ・Force Found Targets and Need Targets of Attack node check…
  • 3) Doing nothing is already added at last.My battle AI is similar to 2D Grid tutorial. Attack node Force Found Targets and Need Target checked with 0 found target attacks when other enemy in range.I set Unity Console node in Base Attack and Do noth…
    in About GridBattle Comment by Jeff July 28
  • Force Found Targets and Need Target checked.
    in About GridBattle Comment by Jeff July 26
  • 3) When Battle AI Attack node performs with no valid found target and valid enemy not included in found target,attack peforms?So I filter found target by InUseRange node before Attack node and looks working.Are there any good ways?
    in About GridBattle Comment by Jeff July 26
  • 1) Sry I couldnt explain well.The ability is summoning ability and I want to create a brand new combatant.So I should use JoinBattle node.Probrem solved. thanks. 2) Yes, the cube is Default Layer and LayerMask is Default.The cube affect range but n…
    in About GridBattle Comment by Jeff July 26
  • Image not uploaded.
    in About GridBattle Comment by Jeff July 25