I noticed,
when target selection of ability, use this code
var combatant = ORK.Battle.SelectingCombatant;
IShortcut shortcut = combatant.Battle.BattleMenu.TargetHighlight.Shortcut;
and shortcut is null.
Am I missing something?
7)Yes, stop TargetSelection and select ability again from UI and highlight updated.
Sry I noticed Im testing in not latest ORK.So I updated ORK and StopTargetSelection becomes to work and UI back to ability selection window.But StartTargetSelection…
7) After changing global variable,
var combatant = ORK.Battle.SelectingCombatant;
using this code and then doing as you're told, but nothing happens.
Am I missing something?
I tried this (change conditional affect range by global variable) and works but I have one problem.Highlight area is not refreshed until pointing other grid cell.Are there…
6) If I want to get combatant ability use range from not current GridCell,
get AbilityShortcut from combatant and get TargetSelectionSetting from AbilityShortcut and using this code.
targetSelectionSetting.useRange.GetConditionalRange(user, abil…
I have a similar problem with this. In my case, when Abilities - Ability Variables uses Variable Change Templates, just showing the ability not edit at all, always ask…
Can I request any access to origin cell in Battle Range - Grid Shape - Variable Conditions ?
or any access to object variables of checked cell in Battle Range - Grid Shape - Check Height Differences?
4) Sry I didn't explain well enough.
I noticed when I try to use long range explosion magic with affect range ,it is needed to check the local value of center cell and other affect range cell.
So I want to access Battle Range base cell.
2)Thanks.I'm waiting for next update.
3)Understood. I'll try it.
4)Does Battle Range - Grid Shape - Variable Conditions have any access to base cell ?Target cell can access via Local origin.If not, Can I request this feature?
3) My test AI is
Provoked - same as 2D Grid Tutorial
Base Attack - change from 2D Grid Tutorial
・Clear Found Targets checked
・Force Found Targets and Need Targets of Attack node check…
3) Doing nothing is already added at last.My battle AI is similar to 2D Grid tutorial.
Attack node Force Found Targets and Need Target checked with 0 found target attacks when other enemy in range.I set Unity Console node in Base Attack and Do noth…
When Battle AI Attack node performs with no valid found target and valid enemy not included in found target,attack peforms?So I filter found target by InUseRange node before Attack node and looks working.Are there any good ways?
Sry I couldnt explain well.The ability is summoning ability and I want to create a brand new combatant.So I should use JoinBattle node.Probrem solved. thanks.
Yes, the cube is Default Layer and LayerMask is Default.The cube affect range but n…