Shurijo said: If anyone wants the full class code, just let me know and I'll post its entirety to pastebin.
Seconding this as well, as I'd get a lot of use out of it. This is a fantastic resource. Thanks to everyone who has worked on this!
Hello everyone!
Would it be beneficial to add a "weakness/resist" next step to the calculation node? I'm currently building this feature using my own node but I figured I'd bring it up here.
I need to get whether or not an attack was strong or wea…
Hey - Just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of ORK and what you've done with it.
I was just wondering how I could continue to support you and I didn't realize you have a Patreon! Perfect solution!
Thanks for the fantastic work so far - looking f…
This looks awesome! I'm actually bringing back my RPG project into Unity/ORK since I'm doing pre-rendered backgrounds for it (a la FF7-9). This has been majorly inspiring to read about and look at. I'll make sure to post some of my progress. Thanks …
Okay, storing the value I get from the formula makes sense. But is there some place where I can fetch the number (damage) from a combatants' attack/ability?
I guess I have a quick follow up question just so I can make sure I understand how this would work. I'd just import only the demo? Or would I have to import the demo and then the source code .zip?