Thanks! Hope you are right . My only concern was that I will keep all gameplay in "menus" and if that will be a big problem for ORk. . For sure I will need to make some "way around" for few things but from what I see Ork is very flexible and powe…
How things are going ? There was a more problem with using Unity Ultimate Isometric Toolkit with Ork ? I consider creating something similar so ;) Question to Developer , theree is a any problem to create Isometric type of game with ork ? I need to…
Wow , a grid battle feature looks amazing ! Cool work as always !
I have one question about "flexibility " of battle system .
How deep I can go with creativity with a skills ideas etc
1.Can I create skills name " (ice rock) effect …
Thanks guys ! For now ... i see that .. I will buy both ;) because i am believing in Nicholas , and makinom approach look even nicer than playmaker so far for me ;) i think in near future makinom should be even better than.
Hope more guys wi…
Reguest :
1/ Some kind of "Inventory" tools .
If I will have power to create items/or other props and add them some values ( easy example , strenght , armor or anything else etc ) I will be able to make hundreds different gameplay ideas , like c…
Thanks for quick answer ! I try to how deep "gameplay mechanic" I wil can create in Makinom. In all 3 example games core mechanic are pretty simple ( simple shooting for example ) Do you have some more advanced examples in mind ? ( some other gam…