Hello Nicholas,
You might have forgotten to test the 1) issue we discussed earlier due to being busy. I was wondering if there have been any new developments. Thanks.
I get the item quantity by:
var orkItem = ORK.Items.Get(itemORKGUID)
int count = ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.Leader.Inventory.GetCount(new ItemShortcut(orkItem, 0));
The quantity parameter of the ItemShortcut constructor confuse me. It creates an ItemShort…
1+2) That's what I did, but failed to get the value. Here is the settings of the formula and the formula is used for the Status Effects->WeaponPowerEffect->Attack Status Effect->Hit Chance.
In general: If the Data Origin in Select Equipm…
Thanks for the quick reply.
1+2) Yeah, that's because when the Data Origin in Select Equipment node is Local, the Value node(with Local Data Origin too) can't get the variable value, it works only after the Data Origin in Select Equipment and Value …
Thanks for your help. I think I'm getting close.
1) and 2), I create a custom Select Equipment formula node, add extra filter that check if the equipment has the status effect GUID as variable, this works, but I don't understand why the Value node …
1) After the test, the 'easy' way doesn't work, because the effect give the bonus to the status change is Used On Apply, and the status effect was applied to the combatant when the combatant equip the weapon, so the Apply event not raised again when…
How about get the variable init value here?
I'm trying the code below but don't know what to do after getting the FloatValue.
float SkillMultiplier_ATK = m_AbilityShortcut.Setting.level[i].variableSettings.variableChanges.variable[0].variable.flo…
from ORK's perspective I'd recommend to check for there not being any alive enemies and only 1 dead enemy being there - that'd make this only run for the last dead combatant's death animation.
Thanks. This solves the Cancel Battle End problem. Now t…
Thanks for your replies.
After the Player talks to an NPC, the combatant in the Active Player Group will learn an ability, I know the combatant's name but don't know his index in the group.
The Combatant Selection Dialogue is not an option, what I …
Solved. Use
int expAtNextLevel = combatant.Class.CurrentDevelopment.GetValueAtLevel(combatant, ORK.StatusValues.Get(Constant.GUID_Status_ClassEXP), combatant.Class.Level+1, true, true);
Thanks for your help. I'm able to get the assets' raw data(something like JSON string and .dat files). I compared the asset in the project and they seem to have the same structures. But have no idea how to convert these JSON strings to the original …
Hi, @gamingislove , I'm using ORK3. I follow your solution above: create a schematic and add it to the combatant's death animation. In the schematic, I use a Join Battle node after checking no enemies are left in the scene, the new combatants were s…
Thanks for your help! It works as expected.
Loot the equipment and give random bonuses, upgrade the equipment will increase the main status bonus value and unlock new extra bonuses.
Thanks for your reply.
The loot logic is a bit complicated so I decided to do it via scripting.
After a quick test, bonus values set to the StatusValue property can be saved, but only for the status changes in value. What if the bonus is a percentag…
I think I found the problem: I save the game in OnApplicationQuit/Application.wantsToQuit, maybe ORK 3 release the combatants before I save them?
It's working perfectly while saving in SceneManager.sceneLoaded.
@gamingislove Thanks for your reply.
I'm still having the issue that the player won't spawn.
I use the code to save the game:
public static void Save(){
int index = Maki.SaveGame.LatestSaveIndex;
if(index < 0) index = 0;