Still having some trouble with it. Here's what my set up looks like.
Created a Game Event called "gateUp" and first set up the "Event Actors"
Next I added a Transform to Variable node
Then I added a Change Game Variables node
And finally a …
Figured it out! For those who might've seen this post and wondered the same thing, here's what I did:
First, on my ability under Ability Variables I added a new Game Variable and set it's options like:
Value Type (Variable Key)
Value (Varia…
Thanks! Yeah I had a feeling the asset I had wouldn't work seamlessly with the ORK Character Controller.
Dropping in mesh colliders worked; but the scene had 100+ prefabs to make the ground floor and I'm pretty sure having that many Mesh Colliders…
Thank you! I'm not sure how I kept doing that, but I was indeed making regular game events instead of the Battle Start Event.
Appreciate you messaging back so quickly!