Hello! I've been loving making everything with ORK! After making a few levels, I got tired of seeing a capsule as my player. I downloaded a premade 3rd person camera/controller with a humanoid to try to use as my player. I can't seem to get it to work. I can use the controller/Camera, but I can't do anything but walk around since the system doesn't see him as the player. How can I "spawn" him using the spawn point?
  • Did you set your player combatant to use your new prefab?
  • edited January 2019
    I did, but doing so makes the prefab run through all it's animations and jumps the camera around. This is what in trying to use: assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/third-person-controller-basic-locomotion-template-59332
    Post edited by Sierota1701 on
  • edited January 2019
    Not sure about the animation thing, but the camera jumping around is probably a conflict of the prefabs camera script and ORK's.

    Try setting up animations in ORK for that combatant based on the animations that come with that prefab.
    Try setting up auto animation on the prefab in the combatant tab using those animations you set up.

    It uses mecanim in that prefab, so you may need to read the mecanim tutorial for ORK.
    Post edited by Wrofir on
    Miuratale : coming 2024
  • Ahhh. Gotcha. I'll try that. Thanks!!
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