Edit: gil was so kind as to make this a native feature, you just have to check "AI Controlled Player" under Combatants > Combatants > AI Settings.
Is it possible to have the whole player group, including the leader, to be AI controlled? Combatants > Combatants > AI Settings > Not Controllable says the combatant can still be controlled if he's set as the player or the first / only combatant in the player group.
I'm talking about the whole battle being fought by the AI, although at least something like the "confused" status in FF would probably work as a workaround (I'd just have everyone in the player group being confused all the time, depending on if I can set up a battle AI "Confused" that then gets applied).
Alternatively, can I set up an AI battle between two factions "Allies" and "Enemies" and set up the rest of the game acting as if the Allies are the actual Player faction? Meaning they can be equipped, have a player controlled skill tree etc.
Currently, the player will always be controlled by the player - you can use the Auto battle command to use the AI for selecting an action.
I don't think the other option is currently possible either.
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Thanks, I've found the Auto command already but can't get it to work as I want it so far. Is there a way to have the player instantly "click" "Auto" every time the battle menu comes up? Would be a bit hackish but at least work. This feature is crucial for me, so if you can implement the possibility of AI controlled player group I'd pay for it, too.
Will try to get it in todays update - shouldn't be that big of a change :)
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Thanks, that's more than awesome :) No rush for it to come today, either - as long as it's guaranteed to work later I can focus on other stuff for now.
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I don't think the other option is currently possible either.
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
No rush for it to come today, either - as long as it's guaranteed to work later I can focus on other stuff for now.
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